HMPRESENTLY: Troubling, Breaking News, and Two Veterans’ Meaningful Words

I wasn’t planning on writing anything this late, at 8:19 at night, California time. But, I needed to write about breaking news, involving the nation’s current Commander in Chief.

According to stories, initially in The Atlantic, and subsequently in Business Insider, MSNBC and a number of other media, the nation’s chief executive, apparently has a low opinion of Marines who served and lost their lives in the First World War, and of soldiers in the other armed forces who were injured and killed in Vietnam, the Middle East and in other conflicts.

He referred to them as suckers and losers.

You know the story about the President’s deferment during the Vietnam War years, about bone spurs preventing him from serving in the military?

Full disclosure… I was in the National Guard for six years. My unit was not called up to serve in Vietnam or the Middle East. After basic training and advanced individual training, that lasted six months, I spent the remainder of my six-year commitment in the US. I worked hard, during monthly drills and Summer training, and spent additional time, as necessary, addressing various needs in California.

Remember in the runup to the 2016 campaign, the President denigrated the late Senator John McCain for being captured in the Vietnam War. After his plane went down in enemy territory, Senator McCain was tortured during years in captivity.

The nation’s Commander in Chief, apparently, also said, more recently: “I don’t get it,” as he was pondering, aloud, “why retired Marine Corps General John Kelly’s son gave his life fighting in Afghanistan.” That’s what he said to the general, during a Memorial Day visit to the grave where the General Kelly’s son is buried, according to Business Insider.

General Kelly held positions in the Trump Administration.

There’s a lot more to this breaking news.

I started jotting notes, as I was taking at all in, writing, for example, “Trump keeps getting a pass. When do – even his followers – reach the point where they’ve had enough?”

At the conclusion of an interview, about these developments, on MSNBC, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey, who was seriously injured in the Vietnam War, and Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton, a former Marine Corps officer, had this to say, to each other:

Congressman Moulton to former Senator Kerrey… “You’re looking good, Senator!” And, as I recall, Bob Kerrey, smiling, said: “Thank you, Congressman.”

Those brief words — at the conclusion of a serious interview about a serious, troubling situation — were touching. A few meaningful words between two veterans.

For some reason, I was curious about other prominent politicians, wondering if they had served in the military. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, for example, served in the Army Reserve, apparently for a brief time. He went through boot camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, where I had basic training at around the same time. Senator Lindsey Graham also was a reservist. He served as a military lawyer.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.