Submission Guidelines

Letters to the editor are welcome. Please confirm that you wish to share your letter with our readers, and include your full name and your town of residence.

We also welcome comments and suggestions that are NOT meant for publication.

Letters and articles submitted to the Pagosa Daily Post should follow these general guidelines:

  1. Whenever possible, identify the sources of your information and include links to information that might be controversial.
  2. Whenever possible, verify your information with at least two unrelated sources. (Two sources that publish the exact same language are considered “related”.)
  3. Clearly indicate when you are quoting a source or person.
  4. Clearly indicate any conflicts of interest, whenever you, or those close to you, stand to personally gain or lose (financially, politically, etc.) from the publication of your submission.
  5. Do not address specific persons with Second Person language (“You did this”… “you said that”…).  Instead, address your submission to the general reader, using First Person (“I did this”… “I said that”…) or Third Person (“He did this”… “she said that”… “they said this”…)
  6. Do not assign blame to an entire group of people for actions or statements that only certain group members are responsible for.
  7. Do not assign blame to specific persons or groups for actions that MIGHT happen in the future, but have not yet happened.
  8. Avoid expressions of bigotry.
  9. Submit corrections to your submission if you later discover errors in your writing.