HMPRESENTLY: Mr. Deutsch Was Riveting

It must have been in the late 1990s or early 2000, when I was one of several PR and marketing people hearing Donny Deutsch discussing advertising concepts for the financial firm I, and others on a conference call, were with back then.

Mr. Deutsch was riveting.

After he joined his father’s advertising firm, David Deutsch Associates, in 1983, his father handed full control of the firm to Donny, in 1989, and the firm became Deutsch Inc.

A few days before the first day of 2023, I heard Donny Deutsch, on MSNBC, talking about brand images that, in his opinion, were either up or down.

Before going on, I have this disclosure, that I’ve been a Republican at times, but lately, I’ve been far more Democratic. And having heard that you all, in Pagosa and Archuleta County, are almost equally divided, almost half of you may like what I’m about to share, while others in the other half… maybe not so much.

I’ve been leaning more to the left, mainly because of the GOP’s extreme right wing, which in my opinion, is no ‘party.’ It seems mired in grievances. It’s no fun.

Right wing extremism, sometimes considered Fascism, hurt so many people, during World War II in particular, and in other times of strife, in other places and during other eras.

The Republican Party, seems to have been swinging right for several decades, and the GOP’s former President Trump — who seems increasingly far right, but whose grip on the party may be waning — may still somehow remain in control.

But even if he loses his grip, there are others on the far right, waiting in the wings.

To be objective and fair, extreme left thinking has caused havoc, at times, over the course of history. But far right Republicans labeling various Democrats as Marxists — which they’ve been doing lately — that’s hard to figure. What are they trying to get at? At Marxism or Leninism, or Communism, or what, exactly? There are several varieties of leftist ideology.

Do far right Republicans know for sure what they’re talking about, with their accusations against some Democrats? Especially the former Republican president, POTUS #45, who has been using the ‘Marxist’ word quite often lately.

Be that as it may, the Republican Party’s image – its brand – seems to be trending down.

The same for a news headliner, Elon Musk, perhaps because of — what’s the word for it? a Twitterscapade, if there’s such a word — since Mr. Musk acquired Twitter.

He has achieved so much, in electric vehicle manufacturing, and aerospace, and other lines of business, but regardless, perhaps because of Twitter-related brand damage and destruction, words I recall hearing on MSNBC, the Twitter situation seems to be dragging down his overall brand image.

I recall the word ‘vanity,’ having factored in as well, with regard to his brand image situation.

It can take years, sometimes, to screw up a brand image. Sometimes, in only an instant, an individual’s or business firm’s brand image can go down the drain.

Over time, folks sometimes forget about things, but not always.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.