Maybe they’re like old friends meeting up at a tavern — Messaging, and Propaganda — at times, distanced from one another, but back in the fold again, at the end of the day.

On Fox News, several nights ago, Eric Trump said people are so distraught over his father’s absence from the Oval Office that they come up on the street and hug him “with tears in their eyes,” telling the former president’s third child and second son they miss his dad “so much”, according to a Business Insider article. Young Mr. Trump was on the Hannity show that evening.

Eric Trump

Then, the other morning, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haas, was mentioning Russian President Vladimir Putin, perhaps, getting up every morning, contemplating how he will stay in power.

Now, there’s someone who knows a lot about Messaging and Propaganda, maybe, as well. Wasn’t Mr. Putin in the KGB, before launching his political career?

But anyway, back to Eric Trump recounting emotional moments with passersby on the street.

Let’s hope folks weren’t running up to him willy-nilly. I recall news about the former president’s adult siblings and their spouses being granted Secret Service protection for several months following their dad’s departure from the White House. Were the folks tearing up being frisked by Eric’s security force before they could completely emote?

Let’s see… what was that, again, about messaging and propaganda? About the lines between them possibly blurring, sometimes?

But, this morning, Wall Street is heading this-way-and-that way… up and down, and all around… because of messaging. Or propaganda? Or both?

And then I’m seeing this in an article published by The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news organization:

Employees are feeling burned over broken work-from-home promises and corporate culture ‘BS’ as employers try to bring them back to the office.

Like old friends at the tavern… Messaging and Propaganda.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.