OPINION: We Must Start Healing the Damage

To everyone who participated and to those who were unable to due to the limited technology, I want to thank all who participated. This is just the beginning of what our whole society must start doing. We must start healing the damage and the trauma that Main Stream Media (MSM) has inflicted on us in attempt to tear the world apart.

So far government employees on their own are unable to lead us anywhere but further down this road of division. Tuesday evening’s conference call proves that there is a split in society, but thankfully it is not right down the middle.

Council member Mat deGraaf actually kept a rough tally of those who supported and those who were opposed to any face mask regulation. I believe he stated that it was pretty even with 20 for masks and 26 opposed to masks. In reality, what that tells someone who uses critical thinking to make a decision is that, 43.5% of the people want the government to tell their neighbors what to do because they have been traumatized by the MSM — and 56.5% of the people want to be left alone to live life as they see fit.

That is what has made America great. People who want to be left alone to live life as they see fit, with a healthy respect for everyone else to do the same.

In the brief 23 winters that I have made Pagosa my home, it has been my experience that a general concern for our neighbors based on Christian values is the mind set of most folks. I have also witnessed a serious decline in that mindset by a large portion of the people who have relocated here from the cities.

It was sad that the majority of the doctors who spoke did not promote healthy immune systems as our collective main defense against all diseases. That is expected these days, because that does not promote their individual businesses. What I heard from the majority of the local business owners was a demand for action by the Council to do something to allow them to keep their doors open. Some business owner went so far as to promote the idea of, No Mask, No Service. That attitude actually drives business to the internet away from your brick and mortar establishment.

What business owners have forgotten is their heritage of standing up to oppression from government employees who have no authority to tell anyone what to do. The business owners of this country have destroyed their businesses themselves, no one did it to them, they did it voluntarily, all by themselves because they forgot what they actually inherited.

This is the time of year we celebrate the Declaration of Independence. The main premise being that those who govern, do so at the consent of the governed. We are repeating history in many ways right now. People need to open their eyes and ears to it. The discussions between the Town Council members that occurred after public comment, deeply concerns me because it sounded like what would have been going on during the 1930s in Germany with the rise of the National Socialist Party. Most people have heard them referred to as Nazis.

There was serious open discussion about slowly changing the culture of our community by at least two of the Council members. It is just my opinion, but people with that mentality have no business being part of any governing body. Government employees are in a position to serve the people, not be dictators of how our community should act. One of those Council members actually suggested giving businesses incentive to make people wear masks — by giving the business tax exemptions if they promote the wearing of masks.

Overreach by government employees, who have no authority to do most of what they are doing is no different now than it was in the mid- to late-1700s. Our current government employees are acting the same as King George and the Elites at that time were. It is no different. Just because you have a pocket computer and a car does not mean you are any different when it comes to being a human. It just proves you are more easily distracted and lazier.

Mass hysteria over social distancing, staying home to stay healthy, and wearing masks is not how humans have survived for countless generations. All who believe any of that nonsense prove the MSM’s psychological operation — to rip our country in half, and destroy the economy and our health care system — is working. Open your eyes and ears. We need to assist our neighbors to wake up from the hypnotized state of mind they are in.

We need to continue this conversation and base actions on facts that support historical evidence not statistics.

Sincerely yours from under my Pagosa rock,

Greg Giehl
Pagosa Springs CO

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