HMPRESENTLY: What’s With Almost Everyone Being on the Same Page?

What isn’t a top priority?

Workers, by the hundreds in various businesses, come down with COVID-19, and what do spokespersons for the various businesses say? Usually something like: ‘Workers’ safety is our top priority.’

That’s all well and good, but such standard, kind of off-the-shelf, prepared statements are being used, increasingly, it seems.

What’s with almost everyone being on the same page, flying in formation?

Safety is a top priority when there’s an accident at an oil refinery or a coal mine. And when some passenger falls off a cruise ship.

Someone speaking on behalf of a short-term rental company, when asked what the future holds for his business model in the pandemic era, mentions cleanliness being the company’s top priority. While that’s certainly a relief for a lot of people, you have to wonder about other things that may be — or should be — top priorities, as well.

Like, for example, ensuring that raucous parties will not be held at short-term rental properties, and that short-term renters, in other ways, will not disturb folks residing longer-term — living permanently — in residential communities.

Peace and quiet. That’s probably their top priority.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.