Back in April, when all the toilet paper disappeared, I came to the conclusion that Little Debbie Happy Camper Cakes were probably next to go…
OPINION: Wild Horses in America…Hard Truths & Sensible Solutions
The result is that today, 50-years since the passage of the 1971 Act, we find that wild horses have been limited-down to about 7% of the grazing on lands that the 1971 Act had set-aside…
Wolf Creek Ski Area Boasts Two Feet of New Snow Over the Past Week
At this time, the services offered to skiers and boarders are the lifts, restrooms, private lessons, rentals, Treasure and Noel Sports. The Upper Lodge is open with a very limited menu…
Community Volunteers Launch ‘CoronaDoc’ Information Program
“The goal is to offer professional medical information about coronavirus and answer questions for frontline managers, employees, and others…”
EDITORIAL: Strange Diversions in a Strange Land, Part One
The family had one good year before the ditches went dry…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Weddings are Now Essential
“Weddings, Jared. Weddings. Dozens, maybe hundreds of people, of all ages, laughing, drinking champagne, dancing, making speeches. Just think about it…”
Colorado Updates Dial Framework Allowing More Religious, Education Flexibility
Worship and ceremonies such as weddings and funerals are classified as essential. This means that they must do their best to follow public health recommendations, but may exceed recommended capacity caps…
HMPRESENTLY: Santa’s TV Interview
“Well, for the most part, we’re seeing what we’ve been seeing, in the past, good kids out there, adapting to sheltering in place and attending school remotely…”
Here in Pagosa Springs, we have enjoyed many months of low transmission rates compared to crowded cities, allowing many people to become complacent, thinking the risk is fictitious…
Health Tips for Christmas 2020
This year is an opportunity to re-imagine what togetherness can look like…
VIDEO: Colorado Announces Plan for Vaccine Distribution
The advice also states that vaccines “should only be carried out in facilities where resuscitation measures are available…”
EDITORIAL: Why Can’t Johnny Read? Part Ten
As the children move from Kindergarten into the elementary school grades, the declared goal is to “imbue children with a sense that the world is beautiful…”
OPINION: Wild Horses Aren’t the Problem; The BLM Is.
Since the passage of the Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971, wild horses have lost 41 percent of their habitat…
New Colorado Law Provides Relief for Utility Bills
“It’s a tough deal. And, you know, we in government have probably caused some of these problems, too, and now we’re asking the taxpayers to help bail these same people out…”
Contact Tracing Inside a Close-Knit Latino Community
“If you’re undocumented in this country, you are aware that the information you are sharing could put so many others in serious problems….”
EDITORIAL: Why Can’t Johnny Read? Part Nine
“In the past, humans had to struggle against exploitation. In the 21st century, the really big struggle will be against irrelevance…”
‘Wildlife Migration Project’ Planned for Highway 160 Near Chimney Rock
“Deer and elk spend the warm months in the high country to the north; but most big game move to the important winter range areas south of the highway during the winter….”
READY, FIRE, AIM: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Both Nepal and China sent teams to measure the peak within the past 12 months, and the result ended any differences about the height of the world’s most famous mountain…