I imagine many readers — who, like me, are non-skiers — spent the snowy weekend in a state of relative idleness, wondering what the world is coming to…
Category: Humor/Fiction
READY, FIRE, AIM: Dangerous Jokes
I don’t think Politico writers would post pictures of cats. But they have often posted embarrassing pictures of politicians…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Carbon-Neutral Eggs, Scrambled
A commissioner with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission named Richard Trumka Jr. has called gas stoves a “hidden hazard”…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Me and My Government, Dealing with Our Debt Limits
“I am writing to inform you that beginning on Thursday, January 19, 2023, the outstanding debt of the United States is projected to reach the statutory limit…”
READY, FIRE, AIM: Laughing as I Pay My Taxes
What am I saying? I LOVE politics. There’s not much to laugh about these days, but politics is a never-ending source of amusement…
I, like most of the people of Pagosa Country, are transplants. But some plants don’t do too well in colder zones…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Working From Home, Like in the Good Old Days
“A recent analysis of Census Bureau data from the financial site Lending Tree found that 29 percent of Americans were working from home…”
READY, FIRE, AIM: China vs. Pagosa Springs
It’s all about the fertility rate. China is currently popping out babies at a rate of about 1.5 per 1,000 women in the population…
READY, FIRE, AIM: And Now for Some Good News
I’m not the kind of idiot who goes around looking for good news. But when I was at the library…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Looking Forward to a Permanent Global Recession
It’s a pretty cool word. “Permacrisis”. I don’t know who invented that word, but if I were publishing a dictionary, I would want that word in it…
READY, FIRE, AIM: High Egg Prices Show No Sign of Cracking
I bet nobody asked the chickens their opinion…
READY, FIRE, AIM: My Worrisome Life of Leisure
I’ve been looking forward to a life where my every need is met by intelligent, robotic caretakers. But…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Feeling Sorry for the Richest Man in the World
It was the Twitter vote that broke my heart…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Not Too Happy About ‘Felices Fiestas’
We’re having a big problem, here in America, with people refusing to say ‘Merry Christmas’ because they’re afraid they might offend someone…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Big Spenders at Christmas
Chuck Schumer is happy…
READY, FIRE, AIM: How to Be Happy During the Holidays
As we see, the United States was ranked 16 out of 146 surveyed countries. So, not too terrible…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Our Friend, the Virus
This particular drawing supposedly represents a ‘bacteriophage’. A virus that infects bacteria…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Four Types of Loneliness
Psychologists make a lot of money writing about loneliness, and providing therapy to people who claim to be lonely…