It’s the “world’s largest investment in engineered carbon removal in history,” according to the Department of Energy…
Category: Humor/Fiction
READY, FIRE, AIM: Surprising Facts about Zebrafish
“Zebrafish are used as a model for typical and atypical human development. It is surprising how much we have in common with zebrafish,” said Diana W. Bianchi…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Voters Like Me
The ‘Mill Levy Override’ tax, a total of $1.7 million per year, was approved in 2018 by the voters (including me) for seven years…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Bible Truth About Hell
Speaking for myself, I try not to think about Hell…
READY, FIRE, AIM: What I Found in Trump’s 45-page Indictment
I’m sort of surprised that so few U.S. Presidents have been indicted by the federal government…
READY, FIRE, AIM: An Appropriate Birthday Gift for the State of Colorado
“But of course, as is frequently the case with birthday gift conundrums, the perfect present is often practical….”
READY, FIRE, AIM: The All-New DEA Museum is Now Open
Welcome Back! After a two-year renovation, the all-new DEA Museum is now open…
READY, FIRE, AIM: God Wants Us to Have Guns
Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado explained that “little Twitter trolls” have been challenging her pro-gun-rights stance…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Chief Heat Officers, to the Rescue?
Another GAF employee, Elliot Wall, drives around in a specially equipped golf cart, measuring how hot the pavement is…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The End of the World is Just a Destination
The film — which I watched on the small screen, many years later — features a lot of sweaty people with British accents, worried about the fate of the world…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Under Penalty of Law, This Tag Not to Be Removed
I finally got around to replacing my pillow…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Milk Wars
Selections ranging from regular dairy, to oat, almond, and soy, creamer options abound these days, which is good news for vegans everywhere. But not everyone is pleased…
DEVIL MOUNTAIN CHRONICLES: My Recent Hip Replacement, and Other Frightful Tales
The X-rays didn’t look good. In fact they made me cringe…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Save the Colorado River?
I used to have a couple of “Save the Whales” t-shirts, back when I was in college. I don’t know what happened to them…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Hotter Than July
The National Weather Service office in Phoenix says it will “rival some of the worst heat waves this area has ever seen…”
READY, FIRE, AIM: The World’s Deadliest Animal
90% of the people suffering from malaria live in Africa. But last month, five cases of locally transmitted malaria were discovered in Texas and Florida…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Big July 4th Mistake
I’m sure people could see where this all was headed. For one thing, to the Declaration of Independence, and a nasty eight-year-long war…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase, Part Two
Tony Martens Fekini and the employees of Plantible Foods have been working on ways to use the rubisco protein found in duck weed…