Burning operations may occur over several days when weather and fuel conditions are favorable and may continue into the fall…
Category: Environment/Recreation
Audubon Meeting Tomorrow Will Hear About Citizen Science Projects
With winter behind us, Weminuche Audubon members are planning events to get us outside and participating in exciting projects…
Chimney Rock Interpretive Association to Host ‘Major Lunar Standstill’ Lecture on April 19
CRIA invites the public to learn about the Major Lunar Standstill and the practice of naked eye astronomy with lecturer Ron Sutcliffe at 7:00pm at the Methodist Church…
7th Annual Rio Chama Congreso to Focus on Snow in Our Changing Watershed
The first panel will be with producers in the watershed and their role in a changing system, with Toner Mitchell from Trout Unlimited moderating…
Department of Interior Proposes to Reduce Risk to Lake Powell and Critical Infrastructure
Without implementing these robust actions, Lake Powell elevations are projected to drop below key infrastructure levels later this year…
Jackson Mountain Landscape Project ‘Open Houses’ Scheduled for April 19 & 21
Open houses scheduled in April will be an opportunity for the public to hear what partnership efforts have taken place… what potential project components may be included…
BIG PIVOTS: Will This Coal Plant Deliver Electricity During a 2030 Heat Wave?
How different from just 18 years ago, when Comanche 3 was approved unanimously by a different set of PUC commissioners…
Watershed Enhancement Partnership to Host Public Workshop This Thursday, April 7
The WEP has guided a locally-driven effort since 2018 to identify water needs and opportunities in the upper San Juan, Blanco, and Navajo watersheds…
April Skiing Kicking Off at Wolf Creek Ski Area
Per tradition, the Easter Bunny will visit Easter Sunday and host an egg hunt at Wolf Pup Hollow…
Forest Service Issues ‘E-Bike’ Guidance
The Forest Service currently allows e-bikes on all Forest Service roads that are already open to motorized vehicles, as well on 60,000 miles of motorized trails…
Wristbands Now on Sale for Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership ‘Environmental Film Festival’
Guests will enjoy four first-run feature-length films and two shorts, all fresh from the 2022 Colorado Environmental Film Festival… plus a locally grown gourmet supper…
BLM ‘Virtual Public Hearing’ on Wild Horse and Burro Management
The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 requires BLM conduct an annual hearing to consider the use of motorized vehicles in the management of wild horses and burros…
BLM Mismanagement of American Wild Horses Burdening Taxpayers?
The livestock industry uses this big money to press the BLM for further roundups, ballooning the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program budget from $19.8 million in 2001 to $116 million in 2021…
Final ‘Fun Race’ at Wolf Creek This Weekend
Medals will be awarded to the three fastest racers in each age and gender category…
Groups Show Support for ‘Electric School Bus’ Legislation
The advocates highlighted the number of benefits offered by electric school buses beyond cutting ozone pollutants, including reducing toxic emissions that kids breathe while riding the bus…
San Juan National Forest Approves Ice Creek Project at Purgatory
New buried powerlines will supply electricity to the top and bottom terminals of Ice Creek lift…
Southwest Water Seminar, ‘Navigating Shortage’ Scheduled for April 1
The summer of 2021 saw severe water shortages affecting agricultural producers, the environment, recreation and towns in southwest Colorado…
Wolf Creek Ski Area Extending Operations to Easter Sunday
The midway base depth is at 109 inches and Wolf Creek’s year-to-date snowfall is 357 inches…