According to the dictionary, “Something that is described as smoke and mirrors is intended to make you believe that something is being done or is true, when it is not.”
Category: News/Politics
OPINION: History of a Crime
The first commissioner of the FDA was Harvey Wiley, the head of the Department of Chemistry. Even before he took office, the food and drug manufacturers were trying to get rid of him…
EDITORIAL: Council Makes No Final Decision on Masks… Part Three
“The only people that we’ve really heard from are people who go and visit Durango for a day, and then come back and say, ‘Oh, it’s roses and daisies over there’…
LETTER: Voters Deserve the Right to Approve URA Tax Subsidies
The approval of Ballot Question A in the upcoming Town election may be the only method for voters to control the amount of spending by the URA…
OPINION: Community Development or Corporate Welfare? Taxpayers Should Decide
Currently, Town voters have no control over these massive tax giveaways. But a group of downtown residents petitioned the Town Council to place Ballot Question A before the Town taxpayers…
65% of Colorado Households Have Responded to 2020 Census
The Census Bureau plans to send an additional reminder postcard to households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census. The postcard is scheduled to arrive in late July…
Colorado Governor Issues Latest COVID-19 Orders
“We are making some much-needed investments in our local public health agencies, so they can contain and quell an outbreak before it gets out of control….”
EDITORIAL: Council Makes No Final Decision on Masks… Part Two
“I saw people, from other places, coming to my community and having what I viewed as a complete disregard and lack of respect for our community members, and our local businesses….”
Colorado’s Record-Breaking State Primary Shows Success of Vote-by-Mail Model
“In midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Colorado just set a record turnout for a state primary. A total of 99% of voters cast a mail ballot, and there were not lengthy lines or wait times…”
Division of Water Resources Releases Decennial Abandonment List
“The Decennial Abandonment is an important feature of Colorado water law that is beneficial to water users by providing more certainty,” said Kevin Rein, State Engineer…
EDITORIAL: Council Makes No Final Decision on Masks… Part One
“I think the town is overcrowded. I’ve been on the ‘recovery task force’ and I don’t think we saw this coming. It doesn’t look like any other year during Fourth of July that I can remember…”
Primary Election Results, in Brief
In the statewide elections, five-term US Representative Scott Tipton was ousted in the Republican primary by restaurant owner Lauren Boebert…
OPINION: When Money Dies, Part Two
In Germany of 1923, you had the communists on one side and the national socialists on the other. Their numbers grew as the situation became more desperate…
OPINION: We Must Start Healing the Damage
Mass hysteria over social distancing, staying home to stay healthy, and wearing masks is not how humans have survived for countless generations…
EDITORIAL: Town Council to Consider Mandatory Face Coverings Tonight, June 30
“So, I know this is contentious. It’s really become a politicized issue all over the country, but I would like for the Council to have a discussion…”
OPINION: When Money Dies, Part One
To pay this back, the German government literally just printed money. They started up the printing press and they printed, and printed, and printed money until everyone was paid back….
Colorado Supreme Court Upholds Gun Control Measure
“Though we didn’t succeed in striking down the Magazine Ban, we did win on two very important points,” said Dudley Brown, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners…
OPINION: The Boys Who Cried ‘Blight’
When responding to a genuine public health threat, a local government proposing mandates and penalties needs credibility and a reputation for plain speaking and fair dealing…