Now they feared that the governor would choose to implement the new law slowly, in small pieces or not at all. And over the next year and a half, they would largely be proven right…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Fifteen
“You know, we do see a lot — within the South Platte Basin — of entities buying up water rights with the intention of drying them up in the future… definitely something we’re working on, to come up with different options…”
HMPRESENTLY: Disconnects
But, the most troubling disconnect of all, would seem to be the growing disconnect between so-called ‘law and order’ and what has been described, through the ages, as “man’s inhumanity to man”…
CLIMATE INACTION: How Colorado’s ‘Clean Energy’ Push Fell Short, Part Two
There are communities that have already been bearing the burden of pollution, in addition to income inequality, racism, all of these things,” Gonzalez said…
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Fourteen
For more than 125 years, our Colorado courts have been granting water rights holders the privilege of making a profit selling the “right to use” publicly-owned water…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Considering the Magna Carta
In 2020, our economic liberty is being threatened by government mandated shutdowns. We are being subjected to regulation of private property, business, and commerce…
OPINION: Support for Amendment B
As the head of the National Federation of Business has said, without Amendment B, a real number of small businesses around Colorado will be pushed over the edge to insolvency…
CLIMATE INACTION: How Colorado’s ‘Clean Energy’ Push Fell Short, Part One
“The AQCC is getting stuck in conflict with the governor,” said Auden Schendler, vice president of sustainability for the Aspen Skiing Company and one of the commission’s recently departed members…
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Thirteen
The new Anti-Speculation Law Work Grooup will hold its first official meeting today, Wednesday October 7, at 12 noon MDT, via ZOOM. This public meeting is scheduled to last from noon until 2pm…
HMPRESENTLY: The Artistry of Journalists
What a kick that was, with your adrenaline going like crazy! There could be monsoons or volcanic eruptions, just outside, but you’re laser-focusing on the journalist’s questions…
ACLU of Colorado 2020 Voter Guide Focused on Civil Liberties at Stake
This year’s Voter Guide is part of ACLU of Colorado’s first-ever virtual Get Out the Vote campaign in collaboration with ACLU activists and supporters…
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Twelve
In its draft budget, SJWCD plans to contribute about $2,500 to the San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership…
OPINION: Building More Roads Won’t Help Repair Our Economy
Bottom-up investments have less risk and higher financial returns than the federally guided projects of the past…
LETTER: To Restore a Sense of Decency
President Trump had almost four years to lead the United States and has failed us, by his own choosing…
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Eleven
I did not read through the documents, but I noticed that the oldest document under Case Number CA0073 was a handwritten court decision dated 1896…
HMPRESENTLY: Working For The People?
“Nothing can stop him from working for the American people. RELENTLESS!” tweeted the president’s daughter and senior advisor, Ivanka Trump…
LETTER: Hickenlooper’s Proven Record
John Hickenlooper has a proven track record of service to Colorado as mayor of Denver from 2003-20011 and governor from 2012-2018…
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Ten
“A governmental entity has the burden of demonstrating three elements in regard to its intent to make a non-speculative conditional appropriation of unappropriated water…”