HMPRESENTLY: Disconnects

I heard in business news, the other day, there’s a huge disconnect between the stock market and the economy.

I was thinking – ‘disconnect’ — as I was writing in the Daily Post recently, about a majority of people supporting women’s reproductive rights and Social Security, while — by comparison — a relatively small number of politicians are doing their darndest to undermine Social Security, and to do away with the 1973 Supreme Court decision — Roe v. Wade — that “the Constitution protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction,” according to Wikipedia.

But, the most troubling disconnect of all, would seem to be the growing disconnect between so-called ‘law and order’ and what has been described, through the ages, as “man’s inhumanity to man”. I looked up the phrase online, and according to a site called ‘Writing Explained’, the words mean “Humanity’s ability to do horrible things to fellow humans.”

They’re in a poem called “Man was Made to Mourn”, written in 1785 by Robert Burns.

“Man’s inhumanity to man” came to me, hearing, in the New York Times, disturbing details about the separation of migrant children from their parents, at the U.S./Mexico border. And, hearing that children of all ages – even infants being nursed by their mothers – were taken from their moms and dads.

According to NBC News, “In early May 2018… 11 of the president’s most senior advisers were called to the White House Situation Room, where they were asked, by a show-of-hands vote, to decide the fate of thousands of migrant parents and their children, according to two officials who were there.”

A show of hands. Children, by the thousands — even infants — separated from their parents. Our nation’s government keeping children and their parents apart in a number of detention centers, some of them, in some ways, resembling World War II-era concentration camps.

Such harsh steps were meant to discourage immigrants from crossing the border to America’s nation of immigrants.

Sadly, this, too, was in the news, that various officials in the nation’s immigration enforcement units, reportedly, said they were simply following orders… another reminder of man’s inhumanity to man, during the Second Word War.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.