HMPRESENTLY: Working For The People?

“Nothing can stop him from working for the American people. RELENTLESS!” tweeted the president’s daughter and senior advisor, Ivanka Trump. Her tweet featured a picture of her father doing some work, while he’s being treated for COVID-19 at Walter Reed Hospital.

Well… let’s see if we fully understand Ms. Trump’s words… “working for the people.”

In my column about the will of the people, last month in the Daily Post, I wrote about most Americans favoring women’s reproductive rights, as well as a majority of people — more than 70 percent of Americans, consistently, over several decades — supporting Social Security.

Women’s reproductive rights — in other words, legal access to abortion — is an emotional issue. But, the majority of Americans has opposed repealing Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling on women’s reproductive rights that was decided quite some time ago.

But, despite the will of the people, various politicians are dead set on getting rid of Roe v. Wade, and undermining Social Security and other measures that currently address a range of needs… the Affordable Care Act, for example, another one of the measures viewed favorably by many people.

So then, with Ivanka Trump’s tweet in mind, is the president really working for the majority of Americans, or is he working, instead, for smaller special interest groups desiring changes that DO NOT (in all caps, for emphasis) truly reflect the will of the people?

At the local government level, as well, the will of the people, at times, seems to be on the back burner, so to speak. Maybe some of the folks who are currently in government — and everyone seeking public office — should make a point of prioritizing the will of the people.

While Ivanka Trump’s words about “working for the people,” may seem synonymous with the words — the will of the people — are they, really?

Ms. Trump’s words are only synonymous if her father, and other elected ‘representatives’ of the people, fully respect the will of the people.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.