In his many writings, Hobbes repeatedly affronted the clergy. A bishop accused him of atheism, possibly punishable by death. The allegation subsided, then flared again…
Category: Essays
ESSAY: I Voted for Masks in Schools… Then Worried for My Safety
A man in the hall told me to watch my back as I headed back in. I made sure not to walk to my car alone when the meeting ended…
HMPRESENTLY: In the Same Boat, Finney & Me
Michael Finney, who delves into consumer issues during his ABC-TV ‘7 On Your Side’ telecasts, is an institution, out here in the San Francisco Bay Area…
HMPRESENTLY: What an Art… Switching Their Persona, on a Dime…
General Russel L. Honore, in the news discussing Hurricane Ida recovery efforts in Louisiana, brought to mind other people I’ve known…
On TV a couple of days ago, an architect and a filmmaker couple, in Vermont, were preparing food an age-old Peruvian way…
HMPRESENTLY: If We Could Just Tune In…
My inner voice was swearing like a sailor…
ESSAY: Growing Old in a Newborn Universe
Suddenly I’m curious in a real way. I just turned… 75. There’s a significance to that number that isn’t abstract, and I’m having a hard time ignoring it…
ESSAY: Learning from the Ruins of Pompeii
The building was located near the edge of town. The land was likely acquired for free or at a very low price. Prime real estate near the center of town would have been much more expensive…
HMPRESENTLY: Obsessing Over Words
But there were some words in the media, recently, that seemed just about right, considering the current state of politics…
HMPRESENTLY: Wood Shop Memories
And after shaping that wood into what was gradually becoming a bowl, I can remember using various other tools, and sandpaper…
HMPRESENTLY: From Really Bad to Something Better? Or…
In the sci-fi novel, people seeking relief from sizzling-hot weather, jump into a lake, only to be parboiled, as the lake overheats…
HMPRESENTLY: Disasters, and Precious Advertising Moments
And the journey begins, when you hear newscasters saying they’ll be back in a moment, after a few words from their sponsors…
ESSAY: My Students Thrived Last Year… Because They Weren’t Policed
I became a teacher because I find it inspiring to be around children who are constantly “freedom dreaming” — imagining and believing in a different world…
When steaks, cheeses, wines, and such, age, they’re supposed to be really good. With age, people may become wiser and, perhaps, more patient, more understanding…
HMPRESENTLY: Political Correctness vs. Bodily Gases
Speaking of messaging, there’s been so much of it about the COVID delta variant, and various other disturbing current events…
HMPRESENTLY: Filling up With Fog
Around the San Francisco Bay Area, that happens quite often…
HMPRESENTLY: PR-ologists… Not to be Confused With ‘Proctologists’
The stadium tours will feature O’Reilly’s “conversations with Trump”… which “will not be boring,” said O’Reilly…
HMPRESENTLY: In a Different Spotlight
Just because pro athletes excel, under pressure, at various sports, doesn’t guarantee they’ll excel at doing live TV and radio interviews…