“Reading skills will increase by implementing formative assessment practices during Literacy blocks, implementing reading portfolios in grades 3-5… and Literacy based projects…”
Category: Education/Health
EDITORIAL: The Learning Curve, Part Two
So many aspects of a child’s blossoming personality are completely ignored by the CMAS testing program. The ability to work cooperatively, for example…
EDITORIAL: The Learning Curve, Part One
Apparently, the average cost of educating one student in America’s public schools — when adjusted for inflation — has tripled since 1970…
PHOTO ESSAY: ‘Blues Box’ Dance Raises $20K for Pagosa Peak Open School
Dozens of volunteers and hundreds of volunteer hours went into making this event wildly authentic and successful…
PHOTO ESSAY: ‘Ninja Warrior Challenge’ Raises $10,700 for Pagosa Charter School
“Everyone who completed the course and hit the buzzer at the end was awarded a ‘Ninja Warrior’ headband, and the students were motivational [to each other] because some of the kids didn’t want to finish the course…”
EDITORIAL: The School District’s Secret $50 Million Meeting?
I will readily admit that I did not have permission to take this photograph… but I figured maybe a photo taken from a public sidewalk was permissible…
Pagosa’s Charter School Receives Music Education Grant
We received 1,122 inquiries… and ultimately were able to fund only 16 grants totaling $137,400. Pagosa Peak Open School was one of those select few successful applicants…
School Board Cancels Tonight’s Special Meeting
The meeting was planned to allow the School Board to appoint a new person to the Board seat vacated recently by Lisl Keuning…
Charter School Board Releases Executive Session Recording
As Board President Ursala Hudson noted at last night’s special meeting, she agreed with the SUN’s assertion…
Charter School Board Plans Special Meeting Tonight
Pagosa Peak Open School was founded partly upon the idea that a small, intimate school size would provide a superior education for families…
ESSAY: Ribbon-Cutting at Pagosa Peak Open School
“During the process, you likely realize that you took too many risks and turned many wrong corners… and you backtrack. You try something different. And you innovate….”
Pagosa Peak Open School Prepares to Open Its Doors, Part Three
“You can look at almost any ‘standard’ and say, ‘Okay, where is this concept or skill used in the real world, outside of school?’…”
Pagosa Peak Open School Prepares to Open Its Doors, Part Two
“But you know, the beauty of place-based learning — even in very rural areas — you can still find ways to connect the students to the community…”
Pagosa Peak Open School Prepares to Open Its Doors, Part One
All full- and part-time staff has been hired, classrooms are being set up, the play yard is being built, and enrollment is currently at-capacity for all grade levels…
Pagosa Peak Open School Hires Its Staff, Part Three
“The teacher knows that the Individual Learning Plan is like a doorway. We have to be able to demonstrate the progress, and also show the gaps…”
Pagosa Peak Open School Hires Its Staff, Part Two
“And part of the vision has always been, that there’s almost never a single teacher alone, except when working in a small group. There’s almost always a team, working together…”
Pagosa Peak Open School Hires Its Staff, Part One
“This is the kind of faculty that’s sort of a ‘Renaissance’ faculty… who can integrate the arts and music into the classroom… and over half the teaching staff is fluent in Spanish…”
Pagosa Charter School Announces School Director Finalist
Pagosa Peak Open School has announced its finalist for the School Director position: educator James Lewicki…