“Public Health, it impacts everyone in the community,” said Executive Director Ashley Wilson…
Author: Ashley Springer
Archuleta County Public Health Department to Hold Open House Wednesday, April 3
Along with Public Health Awareness Week held April 1-7, the ACPHD encourages the public to stop by the open house for an inside look at their new offices…
Archuleta County to Offer Landowner Basics 101 Classes, Tuesdays in April
Hosted by the CSU Extension office, the classes are sponsored by San Juan Conservation District, making them free to the public….
‘Big Spring Clean’ Scheduled for May 3 & 4
The 2024 committee had minor changes for a better event this year with focus on landfill hours and roll-off “dump” locations…
County Road & Bridge Crews Wrestling with Winter-Spring Weather Conditions
Cold patching potholes on paved roads is being done throughout the County, however, is a temporary fix which cannot be relied on long-term…
Zoom Unavailable for County Meetings Until Further Notice
Due to a breach in security during a Regular Meeting of the BoCC this month, Zoom will be unavailable…
Archuleta County Transit Recognized for Service to Seniors
The evaluation states a “strength” by the MET for adding five new stops this year and “meeting the needs of older adults getting around the community…”
Archuleta County Public Health Department Schedules ‘Restaurateur Q&A Session’ on Dec. 5
“We are happy to host an opportunity for restaurant owners to meet our new staff and ask questions,” ACPHD Director Ashley Wilson stated…
Pagosa Junction Bridge Set to Open Mid-November
“This will be a great benefit to local residents in the area,” commented County Manager Derek Woodman…
Emergency Culvert Replacement Cause for Closure of North Pagosa
The Archuleta County Road & Bridge Department will begin imperative work at the intersection of North Pagosa and Martinez Creek, 3.6 miles North of Highway 160…
Archuleta Commissioners Approve ‘Operation Green Light’ to Honor Veterans
In addition to lighting county buildings, residents and other organizations are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their home or office to a green bulb…
Archuleta County Commissioners Urge ‘No’ Vote on Prop HH
“WHEREAS, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (“BoCC”) firmly believes that citizens should have a say in matters of taxation…”
Archuleta County Landfill to Close Temporarily, Oct. 9 through Oct. 20
The landfill will continue taking commercial trash trucks throughout the closure, but will be closed to the public…
Archuleta County Hosts Successful Waste Tire Event
Lord and Flowers will continue to work on grants and state funded programs which could benefit the community…