Archuleta County to Offer Landowner Basics 101 Classes, Tuesdays in April

The Colorado State University (CSU) Extension Center will be holding Landowner Basics 101 classes every Tuesday in April. Hosted by the CSU Extension office, the classes are sponsored by San Juan Conservation District, making them free to the public.

The program will cover a diverse range of topics geared toward educating new landowners on proper stewardship and how to be mindful of local resources while learning key management principles for care of personal property.

The first class, weed management, taught by County Weed and Pest Supervisor Ethan Proud, will be held on April 1 beginning at 6pm. Proud will cover landowner noxious weed responsibilities, local and state laws governing noxious weeds, and integrated management.

“Property owners in Colorado have a responsibility to act as stewards of the land,” said Proud. “Removing and managing invasive plant species is a critical step to promoting healthy landscapes for native plant species, pollinators and wildlife.”

Future classes include water basics on April 9, living with wildlife on April 16, forest fire mitigation and evacuation planning on April 23 and, finally, range and soil health on April 30.

“Being a good steward of your land not only helps you, but your neighbors too,” commented CSU Director Robin Young. “Understanding how to work with the land and its resources is imperative to conservation for generations to come.”

Last year’s workshop received great feedback from residents, saying it was “so informative” and “(as) a new landowner, I now understand a lot more on how to manage my resources.”

Each class will begin at 6pm and last for approximately two hours. The program will be held at the CSU Extension Office, 344 U.S. 84.

CSU Extension staff requests that interested parties register by emailing Robin Young, robin.young@, or by calling (970) 264-5931.

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer began working as Archuleta County Communications Specialist and Public Information Officer in 2023.