READY, FIRE, AIM: Enough with the Robocalls Already

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser today joined a bipartisan group of 51 attorneys general in sending a warning letter to a company that allegedly sent New Hampshire residents scam election robocalls during the state’s recent primary election. The calls allegedly used artificial intelligence to impersonate the president and discourage voters from participating in the primary…

— from a February 6, 2024, press release.

The latest news about robot politics: An Arlington, Texas-based telecom company — Life Corporation — apparently sent out AI-generated robocalls to New Hampshire voters prior to the Republican primary there. Reportedly, the message sounded like President Joe Biden, telling the voters that they should skip participating in the primary election, and “save their vote for November.”

Not even Joe Biden would say something that silly. You can’t “save your vote”.  Duh.  It automatically disappears when you don’t use it.  Or maybe it just turns brown, like an overripe banana, and gets thrown in the garbage. I can’t say for sure, because I always use my vote. It’s one of the few things I have left, that Darlene didn’t get in the divorce.

Plus, Joe would never say such a thing, because he’s looking forward to another knock-down-drag-out with Donald Trump in November.

Reportedly, Life Corporation arranged things so the robocalls used ‘spoofed’ caller ID, making them appear to come from Democratic Party officials.

A spokesperson for Trump’s campaign denied any connection to the calls, saying, “Not us. We have nothing to do with it.” I believe them. The Trump campaign has no use for artificial intelligence. They have Donald Trump.

The calls may have violated federal law. And Massachusetts law.

And public decency.

If I’m going to get a phone call from a U.S. President, telling me not to vote, I sure as heck want it to be a real President.

Apparently, 51 Attorneys General feel like I do?  I didn’t know we had that many Attorneys General.  Seems like a slightly excessive number.

Here’s the letter sent to Life Corporation.

I don’t understand how a company that uses robots to call voters can name themselves “Life Corporation”.   A more appropriate name would be “Absence of Life Corporation”.   Robots are not alive, even if they can fraudulently imitate President Biden’s voice.

Here’s our Attorney General, Phil Weiser, referring to the events in Massachusetts:

“While this is one example far from Colorado, voters need to be aware that artificial intelligence and other technology are making it easier than ever for bad actors to spread misinformation and disinformation.  Democracy is a team sport, and it’s good to see such a broad, bipartisan coalition of attorneys general joining together to send a message to those who wish to sow discord that we are watching and will hold accountable anyone who breaks the law to interfere in federal, state, or local elections.”

Democracy is a team sport, like football, and no one would ever allow a robot to play on a football team.  Especially in the Super Bowl.

And a presidential election is sort of like the Super Bowl, but with 80-year old men as the quarterbacks.

NBC news posted a recording of the alleged robocalls.  I personally didn’t think it sounded like President Biden.  It sounded to me like a robot trying to sound like President Biden.  And not even trying very hard.

The main question, though, is: What was the point?

Voters who are voting for Trump are never going to listen to Joe Biden — or even to a robot that sounds a little bit like Joe Biden.

And the voters who are going to vote for Joe Biden, already know that he’s 80 years old and not always the most coherent tool in the shed.  But we forgive him for that, because at least he’s not Donald Trump.

Louis Cannon

Louis Cannon

Underrated writer Louis Cannon grew up in the vast American West, although his ex-wife, given the slightest opportunity, will deny that he ever grew up at all.