‘Old Fashioned Christmas’ Event Planned for Dec. 16; Sign Up by Nov. 29

The 3rd Annual ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’ event is coming up on Saturday, December 16 from 5 – 7pm along the Riverwalk in downtown Pagosa Springs. Participating groups must sign up by November 29.

This event welcomes musicians, non-profits, businesses, and other community members to participate in this unique event.

The group basically “adopts” a section of the route. Each group will be responsible for decorating its section with low-impact décor and illumination, and non-amplified sound or music. Groups are not allowed to sell items, nor use their booth for fund-raising purposes.

Entry forms to participate in this event are due by Wednesday, November 29… and you can contact Jennie Green, Tourism director at sales@visitpagosasprings.com with questions. This event has fast become a true holiday community event highlighting our spirit and beautiful surroundings.

The public will enjoy over 20 Christmas-themed displays and activities, a hot air balloon glow, live music, free hot chocolate and cider, games, toys and other goodies. And, of course, Santa Claus! Santa will arrive by horse-drawn sleigh at his workshop at the Visitor Center shortly after 5pm, with opportunities to view his arrival along San Juan Street and Hot Springs Blvd bridge.

Attendees are encouraged to bring flashlights. The event will be held regardless of weather. This event is a collaboration of the Town of Pagosa Springs and The Pagosa Springs SUN.

Please join us for a fun and festive evening in downtown Pagosa Springs to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season.

Road Closure Alert
The Town of Pagosa Springs would like to alert the community that there will be road closures in downtown Pagosa Springs during the Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration on December 16. Between 4:45pm and 7pm, Hot Springs Boulevard will be closed to vehicular traffic from Hermosa Street to south of San Juan Street. Additionally, Hermosa Street will be closed from Town Park to Hot Springs Blvd. Traffic will not be permitted from Hwy 160 onto Hot Springs Blvd during the event. Any traffic needing to access the businesses south on Hot Springs will need to take an alternative route from Apache Street or Light Plant Road.

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The Pagosa Daily Post welcomes submissions, photos, letters and videos from people who love Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Call 970-903-2673 or email pagosadailypost@gmail.com