‘Heralds of Christmas’ Scheduled for December 3

One of Pagosa Springs favorite Christmas traditions is coming soon. ‘The Heralds of Christmas’ concert series will once again be hosted by St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, December 3, at 3:00pm.

St. Patrick’s is located just south of the Pagosa Springs Medical Center on South Pagosa Blvd.

A myriad of holiday and seasonal works will be performed by local musicians. Both instrumental and vocal soloists and ensembles will fill the church with festive music.

Heralds of Christmas is presented by the Pagosa Springs Instrumental Music Society. PSIMS is dedicated to music education in Pagosa Springs, providing equipment, instrument repair, private lessons, and more to several of the schools in town. This year, the schools have a variety of needs. From providing pairs of drum sticks or a series of lessons, to a set of chimes, and many items in between. Your generous donations will be graciously accepted to help fill these needs.

This concert is a gift to the community and is presented free of charge. Be prepared to come early as the church will fill quickly.
Mark your calendars now and join us on December 3 at the Heralds of Christmas.

Rick Artis

Rick Artis

Rick Artis writes on behalf of various Pagosa Springs organizations.