This urge to call ‘em as I see ‘em is kind of fascinating — and unusual for someone, whose career in PR seldom allowed much leeway, to call ‘em as I saw ‘em… to speak bluntly, in other words…

Maybe it’s the times we’re living in, the current events, the angst, the divisiveness, the polarization, the culture wars, the hate-filled rhetoric, even bestiality, when, in the news, someone’s acting bestially.

All this, all together, might explain this urge to be more blunt than I’ve probably ever been.

Dissatisfaction with one thing and another often permeates political rhetoric. There’s so little joy.

Often, undermining, rather than enhancing and building, is just politics, as politicians might say. But it’s ironic, the guy whose business brand was centered on real estate and apparently building businesses, now, as the nation’s former president, wouldn’t mind a wrecking ball demolishing various systems and mores of government… like one, in particular that’s landed him in a heap of indictments, messing around with the nation’s traditional, peaceful transfer of power in presidential elections.

There’s always something to be dissatisfied about, with blemishes and imperfections in systems of government, but undermining and trashing things seems nonsensical, almost as much as acting like some kind of schoolyard bully, to be blunt.

One day, in his social media posts, or campaign rhetoric, former President Trump is referring to someone as “li’l”, (which is ‘little’ abbreviated) and on another day, he’s making “fun of former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s weight at a rally in New Hampshire,” according to an article in Business insider.

“Christie, he’s eating right now, he can’t be bothered.” And Mr. Trump then seemingly “admonishing members of the audience” not to call Christie a ‘fat pig.’

To be blunt, that’s juvenile.

How old is former President Trump? Not old enough, apparently, to be much good with some of his insults.

And besides… have you seen pictures of his somewhat hefty torso, as he’s swinging a golf club?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.