HMPRESENTLY: A Nickname for a Former President

Has anyone come up with a nickname for former President Trump, like nicknames POTUS 45 dreams up for reporters, political opponents and, probably, anyone else rubbing him the wrong way?

Nicknames like ‘sleepy-eyed’ and ‘low IQ’ are among Mr. Trump’s favorites. What might someone come up with, as a nickname for the former leader of the free world?

‘Despotic, dyspeptic Donald’?

Something like that? The alliteration might make it pretty catchy.

Would a nickname, for a master of nicknames like him, be impactful, even among his most diehard followers… his acolytes?  Would they see him in a different light, with those alliterative D-words used in a potential nickname?

Or could this backfire?  There’s been some cozying up to authoritarianism, and to both active and aspiring despots.  But, then again, maybe that’s exactly why a little PR intervention, and a catchy, pithy nickname, with ‘despot’ in it, could put a dent in the perception people have of someone who’s constantly in the news and top-of-mind.

And perhaps, dent perception of iron-fisted rulers and autocratic governments, to boot.

‘Dyspeptic,’ too… this word might shape opinion, since it’s a reminder of the former president’s often dour visage and demeanor. The guy seldom smiles; he’s seldom laughing, or even chuckling.

So, PR-wise, there may be something here. (And besides, this could beat the heck out of shaping opinion of products and services, and business firms’ brand image, which I used to do, for so many years, and thoroughly enjoyed, but this, too, nicknaming the former president, could have its moments.)

And, just because he’s been the president, why should he hog all the pithy nicknames… controlling the market, so to speak?

A little competition might be good for him, for a change, maybe giving some of the folks planning to run against him in 2024 a leg up in the upcoming race. With Mr. Trump’s tight control of the Republican Party right now, and his commanding lead over other Republican presidential candidates, maybe they’d adopt the ‘despotic, dyspeptic Donald’ nickname.

Try picturing, in your mind, candidates like former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley, and others, saying ‘despotic, dyspeptic Donald’… with gusto, and alliteration…

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.