OPINION: Who Will Ask Vice President Harris About Walton Family Influence?

Today, Vice President Harris is reported to be visiting Lake Mead, near Las Vegas, to talk about drought and water supplies in the Western U.S.

The Associated Press — a media outlet now receiving funding from the Walton Family Foundation — reported Harris’ visit, and also put a disclaimer at the bottom of its report about the Associated Press being funded by the Waltons.

This visit and Associated Press report come two weeks after a bombshell story from the Wall Street Journal about the Waltons’ influence on policy, science, government, media, and NGOs working in the Colorado River basin, including at least $200 million of funding over the last decade by the Walton Family to influence Colorado River management.

In the Wall Street Journal report, Biden appointees for the Department of the Interior and Defense Department — who were former Walton Family-funded staffmembers — refused to answer questions from the Wall Street Journal reporter about the Waltons’ influence in the Colorado River, specifically about how the Waltons are trying to create a complex “water market” scheme that would enrich “impact investors”.

V.P. Harris needs to be asked, and must answer, questions about the Walton Family’s influence in the Colorado River. We assume that the Associated Press won’t ask that question, so it behooves media outlets not funded by Walton to ask the Biden administration about Walton influence.

‘Save The Colorado’ does not take money from any Walton foundation or family member.

Gary Wockner

Gary Wockner

Gary Wockner, PhD, is a scientist and conservationist based in Colorado. Follow him on Twitter, @GaryWockner. Learn more at savethecolorado.org