“But it sounds like there are people at this table who want to get back there… want to get back to 2021, and even higher levels…”
READY, FIRE, AIM: A Few Idle Thoughts About Three Mile Island
This was a memorable nuclear accident…
Want to Help People with Psilocybin Mushrooms? Get Trained
Facilitators in Colorado’s new healing centers must train for months before they guide clients through experience with natural medicine…
Daniels Scholarship Applications Available Now for Colorado Students
Funding covers tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other education expenses while students also receive a free laptop…
OPINION: Former Top U.S. Wildlife Management Official Endorses Prop 127
Former director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service joins 22 wildlife professionals urging voters to stop trophy hunting of wild cats…
‘Runway for Rise’ Tickets Sold Out; Other Ways to Contribute
One of the featured teams, Rebel Women, explains they “have joined in this wonderful event to bring recognition to a critical issue…”
LPEA Announces Board Election Results, Partnership with Mercuria
Mercuria is renowned for its efficiency and innovation, integrating advanced technology, and low-carbon solutions into the energy value chain…
EDITORIAL: Hunting Season, Election Season, Budget Season, Part Three
“So I asked the Tourism Board the other day, ‘What would we do if we had $300,000 more?’ And nobody had a quick and ready answer…”
Pagosa ColorFest Celebration Starts Today, September 20
ColorFest 2024 is upon us and, with a hopeful weather pattern, we should have two days of hot air balloons, a delicious and entertaining Passport READ MORE
Habitat for Humanity Celebrates 30 Years in Archuleta County
The affiliate went on to build two homes in the first year of their campaign and is now making great progress building three homes in Year 3 of the plan…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Looking Forward to Being a Burden on My Children
According to a 2023 survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, about 28% of people 65 and older live by themselves…
Pagosa UU Fellowship Begins ‘Going Deeper’ with Small Group Ministry
This month, and into October the gathered group’s focus will be on ‘What the World Needs Now’…
LETTER: Not-So-Theoretical Questions About the Election
If I go to a theater and yell fire when none exists, and people are injured while evacuating the building, am I liable for the injuries?
U.S. House Passes ‘Anti-Woke’ Legislation Aimed at Higher Ed
“House Republicans passed the Act to stand up for academic freedom, defend students’ constitutional rights, and ensure that colleges and universities aren’t forced to bend the knee…”
EDITORIAL: Hunting Season, Election Season, Budget Season, Part Two
Here’s a photo of the Dry Gulch valley that would be completely flooded, if the reservoir were built to the size proposed by SJWCD…
Colorado Finding Ways to Promote Employee-Owned Businesses
More Colorado businesses are converting to employee-owned models with the direct support of an office within the state’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade…
Brilliant Nature Documentary Premiers in Pagosa on Sept. 25
I’m looking forward to seeing “Wild Orchid Man On The Rocks” on the big screen. I’ll see you at the Liberty Theatre…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Eating Pets in Springfield
“A lot of towns don’t want to talk about it because they’re so embarrassed by it…”