If you’re a voter who’s concerned about the cost of living, here’s where your vote has the most impact….
Colorado Health Foundation Nonprofit Executive Sabbatical Program
The sabbatical award is made in the form of a grant, up to $100,000, to a Colorado-based 501c3 nonprofit organization…
LETTER: Cannot Remain Silent About What They Saw in Gaza
“We are not politicians. We do not claim to have all the answers. We are simply healing professionals who cannot remain silent…”
EDITORIAL: The Stories We Tell About Water, Part Three
I took a drive out Snowball Road last week, to take photos of the new water treatment plant under construction…
Chimney Rock Celebrates Major Lunar Standstill Oct. 21
Come join us in celebrating this rare event — the next Major Lunar Standstill won’t happen for another 18 years…
Pagosa Tourism Board Invites Community Opinions on Tourism Industry
We are collecting input from our residents to help us formulate an action plan for tourism management…
READY, FIRE, AIM: In Case You Missed Columbus Day
Historians have generally held the belief that Christopher Columbus was of Italian descent…
DEVIL MOUNTAIN CHRONICLES: My Republican Family (and Other Aggravations)
My family all liked Ike, and so did I. But then a young Senator and war hero from Massachusetts announced his candidacy…
Students Can Apply to College Free Oct. 15-17
All public and some private institutions of higher education waive application fees during that time…
OPINION: Abortion is a Human Right
“The Court finds that, until the pregnancy is viable, a woman’s right to make decisions about her body and her health remains private and protected…”
OPINION: Misleading Information in Your Blue Book?
“People are voting to amend the state constitution without being adequately advised…”
EDITORIAL: The Stories We Tell About Water, Part Two
I found attorney Jeff Kane’s presentation to be fair, measured and non-confrontational, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with his conclusions…
OPINION: Trump Rally in Aurora, Colorado
Former President Donald Trump took the stage at his campaign rally in Aurora just before 1:45pm on Friday…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Psychopath Sitting Next to Me
Psychopaths, as they are portrayed in movies seemed to have qualities like viciousness and callousness that I didn’t see in myself…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Equity & Hurricane Debris
That is how we deal with federal ‘equity’ bureaucracy here in Florida…
Robin Davis Duo to Perform at GGP Fundraiser
On October 18 from 5 to 7pm, the GGP invites our community to a concert at the amphitheater overlooking the San Juan River…
OPINION: How and Why to Vote for Your Mental Health This November
The act of marking and returning our ballots, as we exercise our right to vote, can be good medicine….
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Hurricane Relief, Farm Bill, and the Middle East
“The ball’s in Speaker Johnson’s court,” Bishop added. “He must organize his caucus to make this happen…”