Natural Medicine includes psilocybin, psilocyn, ibogaine, mescaline, and dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
Idaho Launches Electric Transportation Partnership with Western States
“What’s really exciting is if we can figure out how to use electric vehicles in our rural areas, then the entire U.S. can…”
SENIOR CENTER NEWS: ‘Meals on Wheels’ Volunteers Needed
We serve thousands of nutritious meals annually in Archuleta County and volunteers deliver Meals on Wheels and friendly visits / wellness checks to homebound older adults…
LIBRARY NEWS: Two Special Holiday Events, plus Late Night at the Library Fundraiser
This Saturday, December 14 from 5-8pm we hope library fans who are aged 21 and older will join us for a evening of holiday crafts…
BOOKISH: Reading the Classics
Hawthorne was once a god. He was the father of the American novel, a plumber of our dark and terrible past…
‘All is Calm’ and Additional Thingamajig Productions Nominated for Awards
BroadwayWorld honors Thingamajig with 16 nominations, voting underway now…
EDITORIAL: PLPOA to Vote on Funding for New Gymnasium, Part One
Could the whole community come together to build something that served, especially, the non-adult population?
OPINION: GOAL High School Offers a Valuable Option
GOAL High School’s commitment to social emotional wellness goes above and beyond to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed…
READY, FIRE, AIM: What My Left Hand Was Doing
I must have made a donation… to someone… at some point. I mean, to this or that worthy non-profit…
Court Rules Kroger-Albertsons Must Pause Proposed ‘Mega-Merger’
“All along, we have made the case that the Kroger/Albertsons merger is illegal and bad for Colorado…”
Colorado Legislature to Look at Renter Relief Recommendations
The commission also voted to recommend to lawmakers to make permanent the portability of valuation adjustments for senior homeowners…
Federal Effort to Save the Monarch Butterfly
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing protection for one of the nation’s most beloved species…
EDITORIAL: How About Them Home Prices? Part Four
“He could say, for example, that it’s time to build Trump Towers across America, which would immediately make them sound desirable…”
SAVE THE COLORADO: Elon Musk Gets the Gross Dam Fiasco Exactly Wrong
“It makes no more sense to build a new dam on the Colorado River than it does on Mars…”
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Convictions and Acquittals
It only takes one juror to prevent a conviction because of a “hung jury” in the Thompson murder case…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Simple Life… or, Why Communism is Winning
The Chinese have it figured out. The most common Christmas tradition seems to be: to give someone an apple…
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe to be Held This Thursday, Dec. 12
The faith of many Mexicans and Mexican Americans is culturally linked to the story of Juan Diego in 1531…
OPINION: Time for CPW to Address Trophy Hunting of Big Cats
Colorado is so much better than this. Let’s ask CPW to invest more heavily in real science…