Electors took their oath, filled out two ballots — one for president and one for vice president — and each signed six certificates of votes cast…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: A Two-Headed Hydra of Distrust, Part Two
The anti-Trump bias existed back in his first term as President, as illustrated here…
LETTER: Time to Shut Down Dakota Access Pipeline
The pipeline is currently operating illegally, even as the ongoing legal battles surrounding it are reaching a critical point…
Colorado Adopts ‘Carbon Storage’ Rules
“Geologic carbon storage is a critical component to fighting climate change and fulfilling our state’s ambitious yet achievable goal of net-zero…”
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part Three
“So my next phase was to provide some educational outreach about some pros and cons of different water supply options… of no reservoir, or a reservoir, or alternatives to a reservoir. …”
Applications for Free Preschool in Colorado Open Today, Dec. 17
More than 2,000 preschools across Colorado are part of the universal program…
LPEA to Host Live Webinar Tomorrow to Help Members Save on Energy Costs
This webinar will equip LPEA members with practical tools and strategies to maximize energy efficiency and minimize expenses…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Old Enough to Experience Severe Mental Distress, and Proud of It
I suspect that dogs are more prone to share their owners’ mental distress, in a sympathetic manner. Cats don’t care about anyone but themselves…
OPINION: BLM’s Disastrously Expensive Wild Horse Policy
Horses are Nature’s keystone herbivores, and they symbiotically reduce and maintain wildfire fuels (grass and brush)…
OPINION: Carbon Removal in Colorado?
Carbon removal pathways take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it permanently…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: A Two-Headed Hydra of Distrust, Part One
But don’t get the impression that faculty fools are confined to the State of North Carolina…
How Are States Spending Opioid Settlement Cash? Part Two
Although most people agree that stopping children from developing addictions is important, the execution is tricky…
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part Two
A record that got considerable play at my family home, back in my teenage years, was Allan Sherman’s album, ‘Allan in Wonderland’…
OPINION: Open Letter to the BOCC Regarding the Shooting Range Proposal
Statement of Jim Denvir regarding the Special Use Permit application of Keyah Grande to operate an open air shooting range…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Truth About Butter
Although you wouldn’t know it from looking at me, I spend a lot of my spare time watching YouTube videos about the existence of God…
Improv and Acting Classes Kick Off This January at Thingamajig Theatre
Classes meet Tuesdays from 6–9pm at the Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts. No experience is required — just bring your curiosity and sense of adventure…
Christmas Tree Recycling for Pagosa’s WinterFest Bonfire
The recycling point for the trees will be held again at the Archuleta County Fairgrounds at 344 Hwy 84…
Window for December Round of Colorado Rental Assistance Opens Monday
Pre-applications will be open to the public until 5:00pm this Wednesday, December 18, 2024…