Wednesday, January 29, is Local Appreciation Day. Lift tickets will be $68 for adults and $49 for seniors and $34 children. Everyone is considered a local…
PHOTO ESSAY: The 2025 WinterFest Bonfire
The Pagosa Fire Protection District lit the fire and kept things safe. Their skill and professional attention to the entire scene is most appreciated…
EDITORIAL: School District Facilities Planning Committee Convenes Tonight
“Keeping the community informed and engaged in the process is of utmost importance and will be done with additional community meetings and ongoing communication…”
Dogs at Work, in Hospitals
The dogs aren’t visitors. They work here, too, specifically for the benefit of the staff…
CHAMBER NEWS: Alcohol Awareness Training Classes Offered in Pagosa
We expect these classes to be popular; therefore, we would like to make sure we have enough room in each class…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Record Snowfall
“Pensacola, Florida broke the snowfall record with 8.9 inches of snow. The previous record for Pensacola was 3 inches of snow, set back in the 1895…”
OPINION: Colorado Governor Polis Helps Legitimize Trump’s Agenda
During his State of the State address to the Legislature this month, Polis welcomed major elements of Trump’s mass deportation plan…
Geothermal Greenhouses Look Forward to 2025
As we undertake these important maintenance and improvement projects, we’re reaching out to our supportive community for assistance…
Grants Available for Rural Teachers for 2025-2026 School Year
“Schools and teachers are encouraged to look at these grants as a chance to provide opportunities and experiences for students that might not otherwise be possible…”
EDITORIAL: The Dry Gulch Mess Gets Messier, Part Three
PAWSD delivers about 400 million gallons of treated drinking water annually, serving about 80% of Archuleta County residents and nearly 100% of Archuleta County businesses…
Colorado Law Prohibits Immigration-Related Arrests by Local Law Enforcement
Various advocacy organizations are offering resources to help immigrant families in Colorado as fears of mass deportations grow…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Like Shooting Political Fish in a Barrel
When I asked our editor to find an appropriate photo to illustrate today’s humor column, he came up with a photo of ‘Porthos’ spiced sardines…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Shameful and Dangerous Pardons
On January 6, 2021, a number of individuals tried to overturn the results of the election, in a most violent fashion, assaulting the Capitol and attacking police officers…
Healthy Archuleta to Host Growers and Producers Forum, January 30
Kirsten Skeehan will bring to light past efforts here in Archuleta County to locate new sources and harvest the heat for commercial purposes…
Colorado Secure $7.4 billion from Purdue Pharma for Fueling Opioid Crisis
Purdue invented, manufactured, and aggressively marketed opioids for decades, fueling waves of addiction and overdose deaths across the country…
OPINION: Colorado Supreme Court Should Confirm Executive Session Requirement
“If the Court does not hold that the particular matter announcement requirement means what it says, it will not mean what it says….”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Acts of Service
The Pagosa Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship is dedicating the fourth Sunday of the month to do acts of service…
Applications for History Colorado’s ‘Centennial Farms & Ranches’ Program Now Open
In 2022, the program expanded to promote a more diverse and inclusive celebration of the farming and ranching families…