The repeal of Gallagher could result in additional state funding for higher education tuition and a decreased burden on students and families…
Category: News/Politics
OPINION: The Politics of Full-Fat Milk
The current proposed 2020-25 Draft Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are once again not allowing full-fat dairy products into schools….
OPINION: A Return to Decency
Many of us think there is much wrong with our government. Things need to change. But the change has to be more than shaking up and tearing down…
Altered Mindsets: Marijuana Making a Mark in Red States
“It’s becoming normalized for people,” Schweich said. “People know that other states are legalizing it and the sky has not fallen…”
EDITORIAL: Your Thoughts About Water? Part Three
“…A group of farmers sat around a patio shaking their heads, frowning, frustration etched on their faces — down by 150,000 acre-feet of water below their aquifer-pumping target…”
LETTER: Lauren Boebert vs The Constitution
Never one to shy away from publicity, our GOP District 3 Sarah Palin wanna-be candidate for Congress has been busy. She wants us to believe that dark forces of the “deep state” are at work to destroy America…
EDITORIAL: Your Thoughts About Water? Part Two
To get back to the Strategic Plan, I will note that this particular 40-page draft was written primarily by the six Board members who were serving during the past two years…
EDITORIAL: Health, and Safety, in Pagosa Springs… Part Two
The report provided to the Town Council on Tuesday noted the issue of ‘visual clutter’. This challenge — the avoidance of ‘visual clutter’ — has more than one problematic aspect…
Racing Against the Census Clock
Knowing what’s at stake, civic-minded nonprofit groups across the Mountain West have stepped in to help, doggedly working to ensure their communities are counted through outreach efforts…
EDITORIAL: Health, and Safety, in Pagosa Springs… Part One
Apparently, parents no longer feel safe allowing younger children to walk home from school. Even grandparents feel insecure making the trip on foot, it would seem…
Higher Tax Burdens on Colorado’s Poorest Citizens
“Both the historic roots of where certain tax tools come from, and then also the distributional effects of the use of certain tools, can have huge racial equity effects. And I think we see that play out in Colorado pretty heavily…”
EDITORIAL: Your Thoughts About Water? Part One
Water reservoirs are not cheap, and when they are located at some distance from where people are living, the infrastructure needed to deliver the water from the reservoir is also expensive to build, and maintain…
Colorado Releases Visitation Guidance for Nursing Homes
“After reviewing the feedback and keeping in mind the safety risks with visitation, we are providing guidance for limited indoor visitation opportunities,” said Dr. Eric France…
HMPRESENTLY: Troubling, Breaking News, and Two Veterans’ Meaningful Words
My unit was not called up to serve in Vietnam or the Middle East. After basic training and advanced individual training, that lasted six months, I spent the remainder of my six-year commitment in the US…
HMPRESENTLY: Inspiring Hope, Defeating Despair Isn’t Cheap!
The US Department of Health and Human Services will be paying $250 million for a PR campaign to “defeat despair and inspire hope about the coronavirus…”
“Everything I’ve heard of Q — I hope this is real, because it only means America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values, and that’s what I am for…”
New Rule Would ‘Streamline’ Oil and Gas Drilling in Colorado’s National Forests
Limited oil and gas drilling has also been approved in the San Juan National Forest in southwest Colorado, and in the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests near the Wyoming border…
HMPRESENTLY: The People Who Kept the Babies Safe
I don’t want to sound all saccharine, all syrupy. But… caring about people and caring about principles – I’ve been thinking – is what strong, heroic people tend to do…