But somewhere between Mother Nature’s gifts from the sky, and your water tap, the cost of less water has become higher and higher…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: The High Cost of Less Water, Part One
According to my pocket calculator, PAWSD has theoretical diversion rights equal to about 10 times the amount of water they need, per year. In a good year…
EDITORIAL: Special Treatment, Part Two
“Is it the job of the Town Council to forever provide taxpayer subsidies to this one private corporation?…”
EDITORIAL: Special Treatment, Part One
But what, exactly, is the relationship between the private corporation known as the “Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership” and the taxpayers of Pagosa Springs?
Fast-Moving Wildfire Near Durango Prompts Evacuations
Approximately 825 residences had been evacuated by evening; 750 residences were under pre-evacuation notices…
Town Election Adds Term Limits, Eliminates Districts
The Town of Pagosa Springs (unofficially) finalized its mail-ballot election on Tuesday, April 3 and the town’s voters elected two Council members — write-in candidates READ MORE
CORRECTION: Town Council Meeting to be Held on Wednesday, Apr. 4
Yesterday in my Editor’s Note, I mistakenly referred to the Pagosa Springs Town Council meeting as being scheduled on Tuesday (today) April 3…
VIDEO: Sen. Gardner Reacts to Session’s Marijuana Memo
“Reports that the Justice Department will rescind their current policy on legal marijuana enforcement are extremely alarming…”
ELECTION RESULTS: November 7, 2017
As we see in the unofficial results, Ballot Issue 1A was rejected by a small margin…
City of Durango Posts ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan
“Prices will continue to escalate, and are likely to continue to accelerate faster than income growth, with significant implications…”
Town Council Denies Alpha Annexations… for the Moment
“For the Town to annex it, it has to be desirable. But they are not desirable unless they have the proposed buildings on them…”
EDITORIAL: Flash Flood Warning?
“A Flash Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flash flooding. It does not mean that flash flooding will occur, but it is possible….”
Trump Administration Withdraws Request for Voter Records… Temporarily?
According to recent news reports, thousands of Colorado voters have removed themselves from the voter registration system in response to the actions of the Trump administration…
Lightner Creek Fire in Durango 20 Percent Contained
A second fire was apparently started by an ember on the east side of Lightner Creek Road and it worked its way toward Perins Peak and became the larger of the two fires…
EDITORIAL: The Zombie Reservoir Rears its Ugly Head, Part Three
What has changed since 2010? If Dry Gulch was a boondoggle then, what has changed to make it a good idea in 2017?
EDITORIAL: The Zombie Reservoir Rears its Ugly Head, Part Two
“No, it’s not good news. There’s still a window of opportunity, to get them to turn this thing around, but it would be a long shot…”
Town Seeking Applicants for Vacant Council Seat
After serving on the Council for just over seven months following her appointment last September, Ms. Anderson changed her residence and moved outside the District 1 boundaries…
EDITORIAL: The Bare Necessities and Why We Lack Them, Part Three
As you look at this drawing, I would ask you to consider the fact that the community of Pagosa Springs already has two functioning courtrooms…