“I did hear a story of a developer essentially taking out a loan that wasn’t really necessary, paying it back but somehow charging himself, and then the URA, 20% interest…”
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Twelve
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Pagosa Springs Town Manager Andrea Phillips yesterday, and learned that she had recently attended a symposium in Montrose, CO…
EDITORIAL: Bureau of Land Mis-Management?
The BLM oversees 245 million acres — about one-tenth of America’s land base — and more subsurface mineral estate than any other government agency…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Eleven
By 2010, there were so many RDAs in California that state and local government entities were actually seeing less tax revenue, instead of more…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Ten
Apparently, the balloonists had just released a trial balloon to see which way the wind was blowing, and how fast. That’s extremely useful information for a hot air balloonist, I’m sure…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Nine
Apparently, “getting started” meant a search for taxpayer subsidies to help fund a massive expansion project…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Eight
It’s widely believed that TIF financing and and government ‘incentives’ provided to large corporations are a ‘solution’ to our worsening infrastructure…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Seven
At this point in Mr. Searle’s explanation, he was interrupted by Mr. Dronet… jumping in before Mr. Searle could dig the hole any deeper?
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Six
For those who wanted to hear that millions of dollars in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) incentives would create a virtual economic revolution in Pagosa Springs… there was plenty to get excited about…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Five
This sounds like exactly the same type of mixed-use development being proposed by Mr. Dronet — except with highway frontage, and centrally located in the scenic uptown area…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Four
When a developer is planning to create a new subdivision, there seem to be two basic approaches. One approach is to do a competent market study to make sure there’s an unfilled demand…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Three
Mr. Searle sat quietly for most of the evening and allowed Mr. Dronet to handle the presentation of the proposed 27-acre project…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part Two
If you look at the map of Enterprise Zones, it appears that most of Archuleta County qualifies as a “distressed area”…
EDITORIAL: Are Tax Breaks Making Colorado Broke? Part One
“I think there may be litigation regardless of which direction we decide to go,” Moreno said….
EDITORIAL: Some Good News
As the Rolling Stones once promised us, you can’t always get what you want… but if you try sometimes, you just might find…
EDITORIAL: Big Spenders on Lewis Street
“It’s gonna bring a lot of money to this place…” said Commissioner Wadley…
OPINION: What Wage Gains?
Senator Patty Murray, alluding to the 10-year gap since the last minimum wage increase, asked: “If workers do not deserve [a raise] at this time, then when do they?”
BOCC Votes to Purchase Harman Art Museum Building
Last year, the BOCC was offered 5 acres of vacant property adjacent to the museum, as the site for their proposed County detention center…