But the reality is that many workers continue to face significant challenges in how to respond to this infectious disease as COVID-19 reaches communities across the country…
Category: News/Politics
Teachers Union Cancels Statewide ‘Day of Action’ Over COVID-19 Concerns
“Despite our cancellation, lawmakers must feel urgency to take bold action during this session to keep quality educators in our classrooms…”
HMPRESENTLY: What’s That ‘O’ in GOP?
Calling the governor a snake sort of sounds like something from one of those Old Wild West shows…
How Are Schools Handling Coronavirus Fears? Part Two
“Students are bored; students are lonely,” the teacher said. “We have students who are just completely absent…”
EDITORIAL: Chairlift to Heaven, Part Six
Employees in the hospitality and leisure industry have the lowest earnings in the US economy…
EDITORIAL: Chairlift to Heaven, Part Five
Any business at all “provides job opportunities.” That’s the very definition of a business. But some businesses destroy the community they move into, and some enhance the community…
Clifford Lucero Announces County Commissioner Candidacy
By James Garrett Community resident Clifford Lucero today announced his candidacy for Archuleta County Commissioner, running in the election to be held this fall. Lucero, READ MORE
Amy Klobuchar Officially Withdraws from Colorado Presidential Primary
Amy Klobuchar, Democratic Party candidate for United States President, officially filed paperwork with the Colorado Secretary of State to withdraw as a candidate…
EDITORIAL: Chairlift to Heaven, Part Four
When measured simply by “income” — which includes our many retirees — we’re comfortably in the middle of the pack, here in Colorado…
LETTER: Voting for the First Time
In 2016, I could not vote, but as I watched the presidential election go down, I realized that something was fundamentally wrong with our country…
LETTER: Once in a Lifetime Candidate
Bernie Sanders believes that you, and I, and millions of people across this country standing together and rising up as one voice is the only way this can happen…
EDITORIAL: Chairlift to Heaven, Part Three
I mention these two political conversations because they’re part of the Chairlift Effect… an experience where we’re being shuttled towards some destination… and we seem to have no control of the ride…
When the circus rolled into town, you’d hear the music…
EDITORIAL: Chairlift to Heaven, Part Two
“It’s all a bet on the Chinese middle class, a consumer force McKinsey analysis predicts could reach 550 million in three years…”
LETTER: Questions About School Shootings
It doesn’t excuse or justify these horrific crimes, but certainly raises questions that need to be explored if we want to prevent future instances…
LETTER: Sanders is a Threat to the Rich and Powerful
This orchestrated campaign attacking Bernie Sanders by Wall Street spokesmen is not surprising…
EDITORIAL: Chairlift to Heaven, Part One
I’ve wanted to explore the idea of responsibility for quite a while now, and I guess this might be as good a time as any…
Bill to Expand Youth Shelter Access Passes Senate
During the 2018-2019 school year, Colorado’s Department of Education reported 23,000 students experienced homelessness statewide, and 2,397 of those students were identified as unaccompanied minors…