HMPRESENTLY: They Could Even Play Duck, Duck, Goose

What a time to be in a sharply divided, polarized nation, spinning round and round in an eddy; it can feel that way, sometimes.

With the pandemic and other daily challenges, spinning in circles, all the time, doesn’t seem like the best way to go.

As I was shaving the other morning, rationing shaving cream during the pandemic, I started thinking; Let’s hash things out. Starting with our politicians in Washington DC. Once and for all, just sit those Republicans and Democrats down together, so they can hash things out.

Get them to legislate a little cooperation, if that’s what it will take. They’re legislating stuff all the time, why not get them to introduce a new bill. Call it the Okay, Let’s Hash Things Out Bill.

Make it H.R. 4274 in the House of Representatives or Senate Bill 4274, in the Senate. Why those numbers? They spell – ‘hash’ — on a keyboard that has numbers and letters on each key.

If that particular series of numbers is already taken, our elected officials can probably come up with something else. If, of course, they can come to some agreement.

The bill would require Republicans and Democrats to get together at some designated time and place, at least several times a year, to participate in team building activities.

They could play parachute games, like kids in school, gathering around a parachute and working together to bounce balls. That’s how the game is described. They could get in a drum circle, creating interesting sounds with tambourines, mini drums and egg shakers. They could jump, hop, skip and tag each other in a team obstacle course event. They could even play Duck, Duck, Goose.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.