“The current national health crisis has caused all of us to re-examine our election processes,” said Secretary of State Jena Griswold….
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part Three
“The epidemic, however, did not occur. The Fort Dix outbreak was a false alarm, and the American public and much of the scientific community accused us of overreacting…”
EDITORIAL: Town Will Vote on ‘Urban Renewal’ Voter Participation on July 14
“But as far as voting for the ordinance to go to election, there’s really not a choice. It’s constitutionally protected…”
Colorado Health Department Missed Deadline to Provide Coronavirus Records
“…during this type of emergency it is more important than ever that CDPHE respond promptly to a request focused on defeating this ongoing threat to the health of the public…”
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part Two
“A massive new study from Denmark found no association between being vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella and developing autism….”
EDITORIAL: Town’s Popular Summer ‘K.I.D.S.’ Camp Cancelled
“What kind of liability issue do we have, if in fact we did something that was outside the bounds of the recommendations and restrictions?…”
EDITORIAL: Cutting Colorado’s Budget
“I think one of the things we have to look at is how we are staffed in state government. Because while we are not a business, we are dependent upon the revenues of business,” he said…
OPINION: Racial Fault Lines
Today, Gilmore’s definition also speaks unerringly to the catastrophic and disproportionate impacts of the coronavirus….
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part One
Four days later, both Houses of Congress passed the legislation, allowing US drug companies to mass produce 50 million doses of an essentially untested vaccine — with no risk of liability…
Wildfire ‘Incident 76’ in Bayfield
Fire investigators are on scene to determine the cause. It is approximately .65 acres in size. Fire lines held overnight…
Governor Polis’ Update on COVID-19 Response
Yesterday, Colorado Governor Jared Polis provided an update on Colorado’s response to COVID-19. “During Safer at Home, Coloradans doing their part will be the key READ MORE
US Senators Criticize Trump Administration Actions, Opening Unsafe Meat Packing Plants
As a result of insufficient worker protections… more than 6,500 meat industry workers have contracted COVID-19, and at least 20 have died…
EDITORIAL: A True Community, If You Please… Part Three
As far as I can discern, the LUDC does not attempt to prohibit subdivisions within the Town limits. But it does demand that those subdivisions be designed so as to give each lot frontage on a public street…
EDITORIAL: Groundbreaking for a New Town Shop, in Hard Hats & Masks
I suspect everyone familiar with the Town Shop would agree with Ms. Bergon’s characterization of the old facility as “an eye sore”…
HMPRESENTLY: Whoever Wrote That Stuff Needs a Good Lesson
As the teacher is about to continue, Tracy raises her hand. “I have sentences,” she says. “I’m not sure who wrote them….”
EDITORIAL: A True Community, If You Please… Part Two
Suddenly, the historical downtown’s quaint, small town vibe — and its functional sewer system — were looking more attractive to subdivision developers…
Banks needed to get back to basics, to fundamentals of the business, I was thinking, at the time….
Colorado Bans ‘Wildlife Killing Contests’
The decision prohibits contests for black-tailed, white-tailed and Gunnison’s prairie dogs, Wyoming (Richardson’s) ground squirrels and all furbearer species…