“America’s golden age is just ahead, and together we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again…”
Author: Louis Cannon
READY, FIRE, AIM: A Big Fat Waste of Time
I don’t consider myself an ‘older’ person, but I can imagine myself as an older person…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Joys of Being Cranky
Being bad-tempered and pessimistic helps you to earn more, live longer and enjoy a healthier marriage. It’s almost enough to put a smile on your face…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Is There a Right Way to Sleep?
He sleeps whenever he wants, wherever he wants, for as long as he wants. I very much doubt Roscoe has ever wondered, “Is there a right way to sleep?”
READY, FIRE, AIM: Lake Mead’s Nasty Bathtub Ring
The article deals generally with the fact that, for decades now, California has been pulling the lion’s share of water out of the mighty Colorado River…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Windmills of My Mind
I was four years old when a song called ‘The Windmills of Your Mind’ won an Academy Award for Best Original Song, as the theme for the film, ‘The Thomas Crown Affair’…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Do You Want Your Receipt?
The Walmart receipts are useful, because occasionally I have to return this or that product. It didn’t fit, or it didn’t actually match my sofa…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Handing Out Candy… and Fungi
Fireworks. Trick-or-treating. Live music. Beer garden. Food trucks. Kids carnival…
READY, FIRE, AIM: A Completely Amazing Humor Column
The situation got me thinking about how we use language in 2022, and especially, words like ‘Amazing’ and ‘Fantastic’ and ‘Absolutely’ and ‘Completely’…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Stop and Smell the Roses… or Whatever
While taking a walk through town last Friday, I came upon a dog leading its owner from one fragrant location to the next…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Think Everything is Awful? You Might Be Right
Turns out that, on October 3, the illustrious Nobel Foundation gave their $900,000 prize for ‘Medicine’ to Swedish scientist Svante Pääbo…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Taxing Our Way Into Paradise
100 years ago, taxes were rare in Pagosa Springs. As rare as automobiles, for instance, or tourists. Almost as rare as silk top hats…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Feeling Apathetic? You Might Be A Languisher
The people who investigate the unfortunate condition of ‘languishing’ have had plenty to study over the past couple of years…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The One-Track Mind
When he was young, my dad used to ride a train to and from work, so he understood a bit about train tracks…
READY, FIRE, AIM: How to Talk About Conspiracy Theories (Without Getting Hurt)
Few conversations are more likely to get you punched in the face than a conversation about conspiracy theories…
READY, FIRE, AIM: The Employment Crisis on the Moon
The new mineral is believed to be about 1 billion years younger than the ones retrieved by the U.S. and Russia during the 1970s…
READY, FIRE, AIM: Who Wants to Fix the Damn Roads?
“In May of 2021, Governor Polis promised that we are finally going to fix the damn roads. Well, that has not happened. In fact, things are worse…”
READY, FIRE, AIM: Our Complicated Love Affair with Basis Points
You might have thought The Fed would have seen them coming…