We all need protection… and one way to get it involves the installation of McAfee Antivirus software.

We also need someone to love, especially around February 14 each year.

In my case, I love my job.

Yes, I also love my cat, Roscoe.  And in a weird sort of way, I still love my ex-wife Darlene.

But mostly, I love my job.

According to some scientific research I stumbled across over the weekend, a person typically lives a longer, healthier life if they love their job.  Plus, they are 12% more productive at work, on average.  So some employers go the extra mile, to make sure their employees are feeling the love.  For example:

And on top of this, we offer fruit, spa water, donut Fridays (we can’t be good all the time!) and soda drinks all year round in a majority of our offices.

Now, we’re not saying donuts equate to long-lasting love, but think about the small, extra steps your current employer goes to for you, and if you get those warm happy feelings at not just the big things, but the little things too…

— from, makers of McAfee Antivirus software.

I would disagree with the folks at McAfee.  I think donuts do equate to long-lasting love.  I often treat myself to donuts while writing my Daily Post columns.  And why not?  They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

But of course, true love is much more complicated than a glazed donut.

When the folks at McAfee Antivirus talk about ‘loving your job” — something they, and I, wish for everyone — they share these kinds of thoughts:

This week, people around the world are exchanging cards, heart-shaped candy or flowers with loved ones to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

This holiday centers on seeking happiness in relationships and finding love, but just as important, is how we find happiness in our careers and passion for the jobs we do every day.

When you can’t seem to find a person to love… or more likely, can’t find someone who loves you… you can always fall back on loving your job.  The requirements are basically the same, however.

  1. The relationship fulfills you.
  2. You share some of the same values, but you’re different enough to keep things interesting.
  3. You don’t need to pretend; you can be yourself, without fear of judgement.
  4. You’re challenged to grow.

I definitely share the same values are my job, considering that my job consists of writing down the weird thoughts that run through my head during the day, and posting them online.  It would be extremely awkward if my job and I had wildly different values.  But I will admit, I entertain certain thoughts — occasionally — that my job will not allow me to publish.  So that keeps things interesting.

Can I be myself around my job?  Pretty much.  Sometimes, though, I drink too much coffee and get sort of hyper, and maybe even annoying… and my job tells me I need to walk it off.  That’s still a form of “being myself”…  but not necessarily a form my job likes to be around.

Am I challenged to grow?

That’s a lot harder to answer.  Presumably, we are not talking about my growing waistline, which is starting to look ever so slightly like the one on the happy Buddha statue, shown at the top of this page.

But does my job challenge me to grow, intellectually?  or emotionally? or spiritually, even?

Not really.  If I can manage to crack a couple of jokes in each of these occasional Daily Post columns, my job is satisfied with me.

So then, we get to the Number One question.  Does the relationship fulfill me?  Well, to tell the truth, it’s sort of a one-way street.  If I’m going to be completely honest.  I put out, on a regular basis, and I don’t get much back in return.  Yeah, I get a paycheck.  But I frankly feel like my job would be just as happy with someone else doing it.

Yes, I love my job.

But, does my job love me back?

I’m not so sure.

Louis Cannon

Underrated writer Louis Cannon grew up in the vast American West, although his ex-wife, given the slightest opportunity, will deny that he ever grew up at all.