Durango Area Trail Closures Take Effect Tomorrow, Dec. 1

In an effort to protect vulnerable wildlife during the tough winter months in southwest Colorado, Colorado Parks and Wildlife would like to remind Durango-area trail users of seasonal closures for multiple areas set to begin December 1. Most of the closures continue through April 15.

Closures are in effect for properties managed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management and the city of Durango. Public access into those areas is prohibited during the closure period.

These specific areas close to public use each year to protect critical wintering ground for big game as well as spring-nesting peregrine falcons.

Seasonal trail closures are imperative for the sustainability of wildlife. As the human footprint continues to grow through the impacts of development, there are increasingly fewer areas for wildlife to seek sanctuary during the harsh winter months when forage is less abundant.

“Winter is a tough time for big-game in this area of Colorado,” said Matt Thorpe, Southwest Deputy Region Manager for CPW. “They migrate to lower elevations, and it’s important that we don’t disturb and stress them with our outdoor activities. If they are forced to move to avoid you or your dog, they burn calories unnecessarily. And they need every spare calorie to make it through the winter and to give birth to healthy fawns and calves in the spring.”

All closures are well marked with signs. Those in violation of the closures are subject to citation and fine. Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers do write citations for those violating the closures.

Several other trails are available in the Durango area that remain open year-round to cyclists, hikers and horseback riders.

“While we know these areas are popular with trail users, data shows it is also necessary to close them to human activity during the winter months for the sake of wildlife,” said CPW assistant wildlife manager Steve McClung. “There are plenty of other trails in our area for people to recreate on during the winter months, and we ask the community to respect these closures and the wildlife that depend on these areas.”

Here are the closures that start tomorrow, December 1:

Bodo State Wildlife Area: Public access is prohibited from December 1 through April 15. The Smelter Mountain Trail is open for foot access only from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and dogs are prohibited.

Perins Peak State Wildlife Area: Public access is prohibited from December 1 through April 15. However, closures remain in effect through July 31 in areas east of La Plata County Road 208.

Big Canyon and Sale Barn trailheads off U.S. Highway 160 are closed to all public use.

South Rim trail, including portions of Sidewinder and Cowboy trails on BLM property accessed from Carbon Junction trail or Crites Connection.

Grandview BLM trails accessed from Three Springs.

Animas City Mountain upper loop trails.

All upper trails as marked in the Twin Buttes open-space area.

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