One of the keys to “economic development” as practiced in the second half of the 20th century, was a push to replace agricultural economies with industrial economies…
Month: February 2025
READY, FIRE, AIM: How to be Totally Honest Without Really Trying
Some readers may be familiar with Mr. Cayce, who may have been clairvoyant, or maybe just incredibly clever…
NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS: When Ordinary Citizens Become Journalists
Small-town staff shortages, matched with increasing operational expenses and decreasing advertising revenue, are leading to shuttered small newsrooms…
IN MEMORIUM: The Legacy of Terry Pickett
Those who volunteered with Terry witnessed his passion for helping in our community…
OPINION: Independent Ethics Investigation Opened into Commissioner Conflict
The IEC had placed complaint 24-16 and consideration of Ms. Medina’s Motion to Dismiss on the January 2025 monthly meeting agenda…
UU Fellowship Move into the New Year, Growing in Spirit
The UU Fellowship has been involved with Pagosa Outreach Connection for many years and we are grateful to Ms. Smith for her dedication to this local program…
EDITORIAL: The Problem with the Fourth of July Parade, Part Two
“I think the volunteers and the staff, kind of cruising around and asking people to step back, they did a great job…”
Colorado Health Care Providers Fear ‘Devastating’ Impacts from Potential Medicare Cuts
“Medicaid is a lifeline, and it is crucial to the success, frankly, of our entire state,” Tieman said…
American Farmers Face Possible Loss of Billions of Dollars from Funding Freeze, Part Two
“There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty about USDA funding and farmers are feeling it…”
SENIOR CENTER NEWS: Learn About Colorado’s Weatherization Program
The WAP helps income-qualified Coloradans save money, increase comfort, and improve their homes and the environment with proven energy conservation solutions…
HEALTHY ARCHULETA: Growing Hydroponic Vegetables for Local Food Pantries
Recently, Healthy Archuleta purchased two additional hydroponic towers to grow fresh vegetables and herbs to be distributed to the community…
LIBRARY NEWS: Protect Yourself from Fraud
Advice on how you can protect yourself from fraud will be offered by Deidre, Bank of the San Juans manager, at a free session at your library…
Resurfacing and Culvert Work on Colo. 151 to Last Through September
The project will improve approximately 13 miles of Colo. 151 from mile point 12.8, east of Ignacio at the La Plata/Archuleta county line, to mile pint 26…
Update on Pagosa Peak Open School’s ‘Community Playground’ Project
Pagosa Springs is only six months away from having a brand new, uptown community playground…
EDITORIAL: The Problem with the Fourth of July Parade, Part One
At the Pagosa Springs Town Council meeting last night, Darren Lewis and Amanda Gadomski presented the Council with three possible ideas…
Private Equity Firms Moving into the Child Care Business? Part Two
“I’ve come to the conclusion that private equity is just really bad for kids… It’s bad for families…”
READY, FIRE, AIM: Wide Awake at 3am in Australia
“Waking and worrying at 3am is very understandable and very human. But in my opinion, not a great habit to get into….”
American Farmers Face Possible Loss of Billions of Dollars from Funding Freeze, Part One
Pfaltzgraff is also concerned how the pause on USAID programs could affect his farm and others, potentially causing a domino effect on crop prices…