READY, FIRE, AIM: Texting With My Therapist

Mental Health is big business lately, what with so many borderline insane people running around.

And I confess to being one of those people.

But I’ve been texting with my therapist to address the problem. Or, in my case, “the problems, plural”.

Therapy is not cheap. My therapist (whom I will call ‘Claudia’ for reasons known only to myself) charges $150 per hour for a face-to-face appointment. But she has a special deal if I agree to do text therapy — $5 per text response.

Back in 2015, the American Psychological Association (APA) weighed in on the growing popularity of text therapy, when they stated the APA “does not have an official position on text therapy as a standalone modality of treatment,” but also noted that “at this point, there is no research suggesting that texting alone is an effective modality for psychotherapy.”  But that means there’s no evidence that texting alone is not an effective modality.

That was, like, almost ten years ago. Apparently, the APA is too busy conducting text therapy sessions to give the question another look.

And busy they might be, with all the borderline insane people running around. As mentioned.

One of the obvious benefits of text therapy is, you can text wherever you are, whenever the crisis hits. I personally don’t text my therapist while driving, however, even though I’m often tempted to. Have you seen how people drive, these days? Maybe they should be texting while driving.  Texting with their therapist, I mean.

Here’s a recent text string with my therapist.  Which cost me only $45.

Hi Claudia.
Hope I’m not bothering u, texting this late at night.
Having a bit of a crisis at the moment.

Hi Louis.
I’m in the middle of watching Season Four of ‘Couples Therapy’.
Pretty good show. Have u ever watched it?
But I can text with u while I’m watching.
Might be a little distracted, though. I’m also texting with two other clients at the moment.

I guess that’s part of the crisis I’m having.

Really? Tell me more.

It’s about feeling… like I’m sort of invisible.
I’ve been seeing someone, and it’s gotten pretty serious.
But she’s constantly on her phone, checking her messages or reading social media posts.
I feel like she doesn’t hear me when I’m talking to her.
Like I’m not that important to her.

Have u tried texting with her?

Well, that doesn’t work for me.
I guess I want a real face-to-face relationship.

Are you suggesting that my relationship with u, as your therapist, is not ‘real’?
Don’t u think we’ve come a long way, since we started texting?
U were a real mess when we started.

I agree. You’ve helped me quite a bit. And I’m grateful. Believe me.

I always believe u, Sarah. Don’t worry.
Ooops.  Scratch that last comment.  I’m also texting with Sarah.  Wrong conversation.
Sorry if I’m a bit distracted. Like I told u.
But tell me more about your new… friend? More than a friend?

That’s what I’d like to know. Is this more than friendship?
Hard to tell. When I bring up commitment, she thinks I’m talking about a shared Verizon account.
Which is the furthest thing from my mind.

Does that seem frightening to u?  A shared Verizon account?

Sort of.  A little bit.

Tell me more.

I’m not sure. Would that mean we’re sharing data?
I’ve only known her for a couple of months.
Do I want her having access to my data?

Sounds like u r having some doubts about the relationship.
U even expressed hesitation when I suggested texting with her.
Do you want to go deeper into that hesitation?

Yes, I would very much like to go deeper.
But I’m getting a phone call from someone in the 303 area code.
Better take it.
Enjoy your show.
Text with u tomorrow.

Sure thing. U have my number.

Louis Cannon

Louis Cannon

Underrated writer Louis Cannon grew up in the vast American West, although his ex-wife, given the slightest opportunity, will deny that he ever grew up at all.