READY, FIRE, AIM: Why I Will Not Be Reading ‘Project 2025’

First, let me state emphatically: I have never participated as a contestant in women’s sports.

Nor have I read the 900-page Heritage Foundation document known as Project 2025.

Project 2025 has been in the news lately, but I have no plans to read it. And I’m in good company, in that regard.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump provided his perspective on ‘Fox and Friends’, according to POLITICO journalist Isabella Ramírez:

“Project 25, I have no idea what the hell — I don’t even want to see it. I don’t want to read it because I want to say I have no idea what it is,” Trump said. “Some people get together, they do something that’s extreme; I assume it’s extreme. I don’t know. Because I don’t even want to see it. It doesn’t matter.”

I’m not running for President, so I assume it’s safe for me to read the document.

But I’m not going to. For my own personal reasons.

I’ve never read anything 900 pages long, and I’m too old to start now. The longest book I ever attempted was Moby Dick, back in college. It ran 378 pages, but I bailed out after the third chapter. Luckily, my roommate read it, and shared his notes with me.

I can read a roommate’s notes and feel completely satisfied.

Which is why I read the introductory notes on the Project 2025 website Home Page.  (I assume Donald Trump doesn’t even want to read the website notes.  And I don’t blame him.)

Pretty much everything I needed to know was summarized on the first page of the website.  Thankfully.

Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people. Its “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise”, published in April 2023, is a product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from around the country.

The book offers a menu of policy suggestions to meet our country’s deepest challenges and put America back on track, including:

  • Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
  • De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
  • Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
  • Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
  • Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
  • Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
  • Ban biological males from competing in women’s sports

We’re all in favor of taking down the Deep State.  In fact, we ought to take down everything that’s “Deep” — starting with the “State” and including Hollywood, Google, and the PTA.  De-weaponizing the Federal Government seems like a great place to start.

But what honestly confused me was… why is the effort to ban biological males from competing in women’s sports at the bottom of the list?

Shouldn’t that be at the TOP?

Yes, illegal immigration is a serious problem, and so are the shackles on the oil industry, and don’t get me started about education.

But if we really want to meet our country’s deepest challenges, we need to focus some serious Federal Government energy on banning biological males. In a de-weaponized fashion, of course.

I know I’m preaching to the choir, but our country was built on liberty and justice for all.  While certain politicians (who will remain nameless) might argue that a biological male should have the “liberty” to compete in women’s sports following appropriate adjustments to his (now her) hormones and other physical details, the word “justice” obviously implies “fairness”.

There’s nothing “fair” about biological males competing in women’s sports.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m totally in favor of allowing women to drive in NASCAR races, whether they are biological males or not.  That’s not a women’s sport.

Women’s basketball is a women’s sport.  And so is women’s soccer.  That’s why we use the word “women’s”.  Because it’s for “women”.

How can we get that simple idea across to our country’s leaders?

Maybe we can update the Pledge of Allegiance?  “…One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all, and where only biological women compete in women’s sports”.

Anyway, I want to extend my thanks to the Heritage Foundation. Many of us are thrilled that someone has finally written a 900-page book to defend women’s sports.

Even if we will never read it, we can endorse it.  So long as we’re not running for President.

Louis Cannon

Louis Cannon

Underrated writer Louis Cannon grew up in the vast American West, although his ex-wife, given the slightest opportunity, will deny that he ever grew up at all.