READY, FIRE, AIM: How the Grinch Stole Memorial Day


They started arriving already on Thursday, the vanguard of a locust horde.

They came in Suburbans, in Explorers, in Winnebagos, in Sprinters, or maybe towing Airstreams. They came in motorcycle packs. They’d brought their swim suits and backpacks and hiking boots and bicycles.

And their credit cards. You can’t forget your credit cards, when you’re part of a migrating multitude.

Their primary goal? To get away from the big city crowds.

On Wednesday, a Pagosa Springs resident could still make a left-hand turn, coming out at Pike Drive. A person could still find a seat at the bar at Riff Raff Brewing. You could still park closer than a quarter mile from the Walmart entrance.

Those days are gone. The summer swarm has arrived.

Back in the day — before the COVID disaster — Memorial Day meant something very different. It was a day to remember the Fallen.

Now it’s a day to remember peace and quiet.

Okay, that’s not entirely true. Not for everyone. For some people, the days prior to this weekend were filled with anxiety. We’re talking here about the merchants and tourist business owners. For them, the two months before Memorial Day are memorable only for its lack of customers, and the resulting lack of income.

Another thing worth remembering on Memorial Day, is the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Memory is a fickle thing. Longing for the future can lead us to forget the past.

There are, of course, many people who long for the past, and some of them will be gathering today to remember those who are no longer with us, which I suppose is one way to forget about the future, for a few thankful moments.

At Hilltop Cemetery, at 10am today, an American Legion Post honor guard will conduct a flag ceremony, to include a flyover by the San Juan Flyers.  Also, prayers, and the playing of taps.

For some of us present at the cemetery, the playing of taps will also serve as a reminder that our small-town way of life has passed away… at least temporarily, for the summer.

We can be reminded of this sad situation a second time, at 7pm, when another observance of Memorial Day is held at the Veterans Memorial Park on Vista Boulevard. The event will include another flag raising, and a rifle salute.

My recommendation to tourists: avoid the rifle salute. Just to be safe.

We can remember other things as well, this Memorial Day, if we’re so inclined.

A town with one stoplight, for example. Some of us remember that.

A town where you could find still find a seat at the bar at Riff Raff Brewing…

Maybe I mentioned that already?

Louis Cannon

Louis Cannon

Underrated writer Louis Cannon grew up in the vast American West, although his ex-wife, given the slightest opportunity, will deny that he ever grew up at all.