‘Build Pagosa’ Addressing Career Education

By Will Ridlehoover

In Archuleta County and across the region, there exists a problematic gap between the needs of our workforce and the career and technical education (CTE) offerings available locally.

Across industries, local employers tell the same story — a lack of skilled, credentialed candidates to fill jobs is a binding constraint to growth and economic development. At the same time, the cost-of-living crisis continues to make meeting ends a challenge for many workers, particularly young people and early-career folks.

Build Pagosa is a local, grassroots, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Pagosa Springs that is working to bridge that gap and create economic opportunities. For more than seven years, Build Pagosa has worked alongside Pagosa Springs High School (PSHS) and other community and regional partners to improve the career pathways program offered to students. These programs include building trades; health science; transportation; agriculture, food and natural resources; business; and computer science.

With the generous support of many community members, Build Pagosa has contributed equipment, sponsored student and family attendance in CTE-related events, and provided scholarships so students can continue their CTE education after high school.

PSHS Principal Sean O’Donnell and Archuleta School District Superintendent Rick Holt are strong supporters and partners to Build Pagosa.

“CTE is as important for our community today as it ever has been,” says O’Donnell, “and we’re excited to be working alongside the team at Build Pagosa to continue to strengthen our career pathways programs.”

Many organizations are working in this space in our community, and Build Pagosa has prioritized working in partnership with others to amplify their potential for impact. As an example, Build Pagosa is proud to be a partner to the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation (PSCDC). In particular, the PSCDC is spearheading a program which offers summer apprenticeships and job placements that allow students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom at job sites in various industries across Pagosa Springs.

In the last year, Build Pagosa has received numerous grants and donations that have allowed it to build some real organizational momentum. For the first time in its history, Build Pagosa now has dedicated staff, including a program manager, and Cindy Nobles, who serves as the office manager.

Looking toward 2024 and beyond, Build Pagosa is fundraising for new facilities to host a regional workforce center. This new building would expand the offering of the PSHS career pathways pro- grams, provide the facilities for other educational institutions to offer courses, and be a space for community events like job fairs.

Build Pagosa has had a great year and is looking forward to 2024 bringing lots more accomplishments and growth for our region.

Will Ridlehoover is a Build Pagosa board member, and is serving as interim executive director.

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