HMPRESENTLY: Imagining Myself as an Influencer

You know those influencers, folks on Instagram and TikTok… aren’t those the online sites where influencers are influencing?

And podcasting? That, too?

With some pretty sophisticated visual presentations, like stuff you’d see on TV.

If I were to give that a try — becoming a slightly mature (or I suppose, a more-than-slightly-mature) influencer — that’s what I’d probably be, if I could ever get the hang of the broadcasting equipment needed to pull something like that off… how I’m seeing things, with my generational views, might be interesting.

Like on roads and freeways around here, where I am in northern California, seeing a growing number of skid marks… I mean, it almost looks like some Formula One racetrack. As an influencer, I could be wondering about all the skidding, probably accelerating tire wear, taking – just imagine how much? — rubber off tires, with each and every skid?

Have you checked the cost of tires lately? Anyone leaving all that rubber on the road must be a little nuts, I would point out.

Wondering about all-electric and hybrid vehicles, as an influencer, I could doing that, too. I mean… burning rubber? Is that possible, with energy-saving, environmentally-friendly vehicles? Even if burning rubber would be possible, why do it, with that kind of vehicle? Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

It’s counter-common sense, isn’t it?

All this rushing around! I could be wondering about that, too. It’s summer, for god’s sake, and heatwave temperatures all around the world have been exceeding 100 degrees… and already, in stores, there’s Halloween stuff, along with Thanksgiving and Christmas goods. What’s the rush, I could be wondering.

Speed bumps for the human race? Would that be something… which probably wouldn’t work, even if there were such things. Human race speed bumps might be tripping hazards.

Ways of saying things, as a slightly-mature influencer, I could use words, like ‘Oh, for god’s sake!’ to make key points… or, ‘Oh balderdash!’

Listen, this could be one hell of an influencer thing!

For a slightly-mature audience, of course.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.