Attention, Employers Who Have Employees Seeking Citizenship

The Pagosa Springs Chamber is pleased to announce that the Campaneros Organization in Durango is offering free legal assistance to people who have questions on DACA, citizenship, or immigration cases.

On Friday, July 28 there will be a workshop on DACA and citizenship. The session begins at 4pm in Durango at the Student Union Building at Fort Lewis College. The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition will first present and then there will be trained volunteers available to help complete USCIS forms. There are only 25 spaces available, and one of your employees could be in need of this assistance.

Then on Saturday, July 29, Companeros will also be offering legal aid assistance for people who might have a complicated immigration case. The free 30-minute sessions are from 10 am to 1pm and you must sign up to receive assistance. Slots are filling up fast.

Do you have an employee, a friend or maybe someone from your church that could use this type of service? Pass the word and have them call Companeros at (970) 375-9406 or look for the flyers in your Friday Chamber ‘Updates and Reminders’ to access the QR code which takes them directly to the registration site.

Mary Jo Coulehan

Mary Jo Coulehan

Mary Jo Coulehan is Executive Director of the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, and also serves on a number of local and state boards.