OPINION: Prioritize Public Good on Public Lands

This op-ed by Ciara Faber appeared on Colorado Newsline on July 11, 2023.

As mothers, we understand, at the most profound level, the benefits of balance.

Every day we strive to achieve it. For us, sustainability isn’t just a goal, it’s a foundational requirement. Without it, without the measured flow between give and take, everything crumbles. The growth, happiness, and health of our families depend on our, and our partners’, commitment to endurability and careful cultivation. From infancy, well into adulthood, the work of a mother is lifelong, and its effects ripple beyond ourselves.

The same is true for Mother Earth.

We occupy the spaces of nature much like the members of a family. We are charged with conserving and protecting those spaces, of finding a foundational balance in our roles. From these public lands, we are expected to embrace that flow of give and take so that the entire family is sustainable, durable, and poised to support the future generations.

For far too long, however, the government agencies responsible for leading these efforts have focused on the “taking” at the expense of fulfilling their duties to “give.” The Bureau of Land Management oversees nearly 40% of public lands, and is charged with managing public lands for multiple use and sustained yield, a mandate that includes conservation.  Still, 90% of these lands are open to extraction and other commodity-driven development, 60% are leased for grazing, and only 14% are managed for conservation. These numbers are neither balanced nor sustainable.

A view of the Uncompahgre Wilderness in southwestern Colorado on July 20, 2011. The Bureau of Land Management oversees land in the area. (Bob Wick/BLM)

The Biden administration has recognized this imbalance and proposed a plan to guide BLM in a more sustainable model in which conservation reemerges as a key priority for public land management.

This plan recognizes the accelerating threats to public lands from wildfires, catastrophic weather events, and severe droughts and the need to build resiliency in these spaces. Released on March 30, the BLM then took public comments on the plan until July 5. Thanks to a report just released by the Center for Western Priorities we know that more than 150,000 comments were submitted and over 90% of the comments encourage the Interior Department to adopt or strengthen the Public Lands Rule.

The Biden administration has heard from the public that we want public lands to be managed in a way that protects wildlife, watersheds, and our Western way of life.

We have a chance to rebalance BLM activities with this proposal. The BLM can realign its priorities to a model that prioritizes the public good over private profit. The Biden administration has heard from the public that we want public lands to be managed in a way that protects wildlife, watersheds, and our Western way of life. It is our chance to ensure that BLM protects those public lands that promote robust and healthy communities in the West.

These lands are more than opportunities for resource extraction — they hold our histories among their rushing waters, sweeping vistas, and dense mountain timbers. In fact, some of the most vulnerable areas of BLM lands are sacred cultural landscapes and sites where innumerable stories of human experiences overlap with the flora and fauna. These places help us remember who we are and give us the space to share these ancestral stories with current and future generations. These places are at risk from climate impacts like flooding and fire and other threats like energy development, vandalism, and unmanaged and unauthorized recreation. This new rule prioritizes partnering with tribal communities and Indigenous people, leaning on generations of stewardship and expertise to protect and preserve these spaces indefinitely.

These lands are our homes. They are where we raise our families and launch our business. They are our outdoor classrooms. They are the water we drink and the air we breathe. They are where we play, love and nurture our children into adulthood. They are our legacy for the next generation of mountain mamas.

It is within our power, and our sacred responsibility, to conserve them. We call on the administration to bring about a new way, a better, more balanced and sustainable way, of managing public lands — for us, our children, and our children’s children.

Ciara Faber is an attorney, Mountain Mamas board member, and a mother of two. Originally from Taos, New Mexico, she now lives in Denver.

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