LETTER: Join the ‘Constitution Alive’ Class in Pagosa

A group of local folks were blessed to have attended a class called Biblical Citizenship. It was hosted by Perry Schjolin, a local leader from the Patriot Academy. We learned so much about the Constitution and the intent of our country’s founders and how to protect the freedoms we were given. We developed action plans to conserve our republic for future generations and found great relief in knowing what we each can do in these uncertain times.

Perry is now offering a class called “Constitution Alive!”

Along with David Barton and Rick Green, Constitutional experts and advocates for the original intent of our founding documents, this one-of-a-kind course provides the meaning and purpose of the Constitution! We’ll gather together locally to watch videos and discuss the comprehensive workbook as we go article-by-article through the Constitution and Bill of Rights, learn about executive orders, the Electoral college, the powers of Congress and the President, freedom of religion, the duty of citizens, and more.

How lucky can we be to have such a course taught right here in Pagosa Springs? How blessed can we be to be able to gather together with fellow Americans to learn and re-learn what makes our Country so great? High school students, church leaders, teachers and adults alike will gain comfort in knowing what we can do to preserve this precious gift that protects our God-given rights. Every American should take this course. Our country and our children have everything to gain.

I encourage you to join in. Even if you’ll miss a week or two it will be worth every minute. We’ll be amazed at how much we learn and it will be fun. The cost is $20 which includes the extensive workbook. Scholarships are available. A free on-line version is also available but the in-person camaraderie and discussions are invaluable as they bring us together as Americans. This is truly an opportunity of a lifetime.

The classes will be held every Monday night, 6-8 pm starting June 12 and concluding August 14 at Grace in Pagosa Church at 1044 Park Ave. To register, email Perry at constitutioncoach@pcservant.net or call (970) 903-3011. God Bless America and God Bless We The People!

Marybeth Snyder
Pagosa Springs

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