HMPRESENTLY: Storms, and Advertising

We’ve not known severe weather, out here in the San Francisco Bay area, for a long time. Seasonal precipitation, over the past many years, has mostly fizzled out. But, all of a sudden, we’re having severe weather, Level 5 torrential rain and gusty, strong wind.

One of our local TV stations, several years ago, established its 1-5 storm impact scale. We’re having a previously unheard of Level 5 storm. Our stormy weather probably isn’t as severe as winter weather out your way, with snow and freezing temperatures, and all… but our storm could be a bomb cyclone, the meteorologists are warning.

One of our local TV stations has 100 reporters covering the weather news, and while the power grid for our area seems to be holding up so far, and we’re not being washed away by flash floods, life is going on with the usual TV advertising, beckoning viewers to consider taking some unpronounceable pharmaceutical product for skin rashes, or high blood pressure, or depression…

…and every couple of minutes, law firms are suggesting that auto accident victims can get giant financial settlements, far higher than what insurance companies are paying their insurance policy customers… maybe $20 million, instead of a comparatively paltry five grand.

Let’s see, now… law firms and insurance companies, let’s leave it at that.

That intense weather we’re experiencing isn’t preempting reality shows and game shows, and that’s probably a good thing, since dwelling on a bomb cyclone might impact one’s mood and blood pressure enough to make one pay closer attention to the pharmaceutical company ads…

…and if one is contemplating taking a drive to clear one’s mind, and an accident results… in Level 5 weather… those law firms will be all too pleased to take a prospective new client’s call.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.