HMPRESENTLY: Boosting Shareholder Value

So when I was proposing, the other day in the Daily Post, that The Lord’s Prayer might be due for some editing — some updating — since the prayer was first put together in 80 AD, maybe I was on the right track?

I mean… sticking with any type of messaging, from way back when… and 80 AD certainly should qualify as ‘way, way back when’… I mean, really?

If you let anything go for that long, in business, you’d be out on your ear. Your shareholders would be having apoplexy.

“What have you been doing, since 80 AD?” they’d be wondering, before demanding management changes… maybe a new CEO and a new Board of Directors.

You’d hear shareholders yammering: “Who do you think you are? God, or something?”

Things can get brutal, when shareholders think you’re behind the curve.

All I’m suggesting is striking the words ‘power’ and ‘kingdom’ from the 80 AD Lord’s Prayer. Just a couple of tweaks, after all those eons of time. Bring things up to date.

A tweak, or two, and — bingo! — you’re boosting shareholder value… so to speak?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.