Newcomer Meet & Greet Scheduled for November 10

Calling all new residents to Pagosa and the surrounding area!

The Pagosa Springs Chamber’s quarterly Welcome Service Meet and Greet for those new to the community will be held on Thursday, November 10 from 5-7pm at the Visitor Center.

This reception is geared towards those individuals that are new to the community, even if they have moved here over a year ago. With COVID and restricted access, we weren’t able to get around much.

We are now offering these “Meet & Greets” to people new to our community. Meet local businesses and organizations that can help you navigate the community. Help find an organization to volunteer at, look for services that you still need help with, talk to those engaged and entrenched in the Pagosa community, find out about our business community and be a bigger part of our county.

The event is free! There will be appetizers and beverages and people to help answer your questions. The reception is at 105 Hot Springs Blvd in the Visitor Center/Chamber location. Come out and see how we can help you navigate all that is Pagosa. For questions about the event, contact the Chamber at (970) 264-2360.

Mary Jo Coulehan

Mary Jo Coulehan

Mary Jo Coulehan is Executive Director of the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, and also serves on a number of local and state boards.